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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, G and 2R

ARGUFIERSargufiers n. Plural of argufier.
ARGUFIER n. one who argues stubbornly.
DEFRAGGERdefragger n. (Computing, informal) A defragmenter.
DEFRAGGER n. one who defrags.
FAIRGOERSfairgoers n. Plural of fairgoer.
fair-goers n. Plural of fair-goer.
FAIRGOER n. one who attends a fair.
FARRAGOESfarragoes n. Plural of farrago.
FARRAGO n. (Latin) a confused mixture.
FERRIAGESferriages n. Plural of ferriage.
FERRIAGE n. the fare paid for ferrying.
FERROGRAMferrogram n. A diagnostic image produced by ferrography.
FERROGRAM n. a slide prepared to illustrate the suspended iron particles in the lubricant of a machine.
FIREGUARDfireguard n. A mesh screen around a fire to prevent sparks or falling embers.
fire␣guard n. A mesh screen placed in front of a fire to prevent sparks escaping.
FIREGUARD n. a protective wire frame or railing in front of a fire.
FORGATHERforgather v. (Intransitive) To assemble or gather together in one place, to gather up; to congregate.
FORGATHER v. to gather together, assemble, also FOREGATHER.
FRAGRANCEfragrance n. A pleasant smell or odour.
fragrance v. (Transitive) To apply a fragrance to; to perfume.
FRAGRANCE n. pleasantness of smell, also FRAGRANCY.
FRAUGHTERfraughter adj. Comparative form of fraught: more fraught.
FRAUGHT adj. laden with tension.
FRONTAGERfrontager n. An owner of property that fronts onto a street or a waterway.
FRONTAGER n. a person who owns or occupies property along a road or river.
GRATIFIERgratifier n. Someone who gratifies.
GRATIFIER n. one who gratifies.
RAFTERINGraftering v. Present participle of rafter.
raftering n. (UK) The practice by which land is raftered (turning the grass side of each furrow upon an unploughed ridge).
raftering n. The set of rafters (sloped beams) of a building or similar construction.
RAREFYINGrarefying v. Present participle of rarefy.
RAREFY v. to make less dense, also RARIFY.
REFRAMINGreframing v. Present participle of reframe.
reframing n. Framing anew or again.
re-framing v. Present participle of re-frame.
REGARDFULregardful adj. Respectful.
regardful adj. (Now rare) Watchful, observant.
REGARDFUL adj. heedful; observant.
REGRAFTEDregrafted v. Simple past tense and past participle of regraft.
REGRAFT v. to graft again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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