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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2E and 3L

ALLEGEDLYallegedly adv. According to someone’s allegation.
allegedly adv. According to someone’s conspicuous impressions (which could subsequently be alleged).
ALLEGED adv. ALLEGE, to assert without proof.
CELLULASEcellulase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyze the cellulolysis (or hydrolysis) of cellulose.
CELLULASE n. an enzyme that can split cellulose into glucose, present in organisms in the guts of animals and in the leaf stalks of higher plants.
GLABELLAEglabellae n. Plural of glabella.
GLABELLA n. (Latin) the smooth area between the eyebrows.
HEELBALLSheelballs n. Plural of heelball.
HEELBALL n. a composition of wax and lampblack, used by shoemakers for polishing, and by antiquaries in copying inscriptions.
LABELABLElabelable adj. Able to be labeled.
LABELABLE adj. that can be labeled, also LABELLABLE.
LABELLATElabellate adj. (Botany) Having a labellum.
LABELLATE adj. of or like a labellum, the lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower.
LABELLERSlabellers n. Plural of labeller.
LABELLER n. one that labels, also LABELER.
LAMELLATElamellate adj. Composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales.
lamellate adj. Having at least some component segments being lengthened on one side and flattened into circles, making…
LAMELLATE adj. composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales, also LAMELLATED.
LAMELLOSElamellose adj. Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
LAMELLOSE adj. composed of, or having, lamellae.
LAURELLEDlaurelled v. (UK) simple past tense and past participle of laurel.
laurelled adj. Crowned with laurel, or with a laurel wreath; laureate.
laurelled adj. Highly honored.
LOCELLATElocellate adj. (Botany) Divided into secondary compartments or cells, as where one cavity is separated into several smaller ones.
LOCELLATE adj. divided into small compartments.
MALLEABLEmalleable adj. Able to be hammered into thin sheets; capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer…
malleable adj. (Figurative) Flexible, liable to change.
malleable adj. (Cryptography, of an algorithm) in which an adversary can alter a ciphertext such that it decrypts to…
QUELLABLEquellable adj. Able to be quelled.
QUELLABLE adj. that can be quelled.
SMELLABLEsmellable adj. (Possibly nonstandard) That can be detected by smell.
SMELLABLE adj. that can be smelled.
SPELLABLEspellable adj. That can be spelled.
SPELLABLE adj. that can be spelled.
TELLTALEStelltales n. Plural of telltale.
tell-tales n. Plural of tell-tale.
tell␣tales v. (Idiomatic) To lie, to be making false claims.
VULSELLAEvulsellae n. Plural of vulsella.
VULSELLA n. (Latin) forceps with clawed blade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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