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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, I, M and O

AFORETIMEaforetime adv. (Archaic) In time past; in a former time; formerly.
aforetime adj. (Archaic) Former.
AFORETIME adv. in time past; formerly.
ELAIOSOMEelaiosome n. (Botany) A fleshy structure rich in lipids attached to the seeds of many plant species, usually to attract…
ELAIOSOME n. an oil-rich body on seeds that attracts ants and thus effects seed dispersal.
EMOLLIATEemolliate v. (Transitive) To soften; to render effeminate.
EMOLLIATE v. to soften; to render effeminate.
EUDEMONIAeudemonia n. Happiness, well-being.
eudemonia n. (Philosophy) A person’s state of excellence characterized by objective flourishing across a lifetime…
EUDEMONIA n. (Greek) happiness esp. that resulting from a rational active life, also EUDAEMONIA.
EXOGAMIESexogamies n. Plural of exogamy.
EXOGAMY n. marriage outside a particular group.
HAEMONIESHAEMONY n. a plant which could act against magic.
ISOGAMETEisogamete n. (Biology) Either of a pair of conjugating gametes that are of the same size and structure.
ISOGAMETE n. a gamete indistinguishable in form or size or behavior from another gamete, with which it can unite to form a zygote.
ISOMERASEisomerase n. Any enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of one isomeric form of a chemical compound to another.
ISOMERASE n. an enzyme which speeds up the conversion of one isomeric compound to another isomeric form.
KETONEMIAketonemia n. An excess of ketones in the blood, sometimes associated with lipolysis.
KETONEMIA n. an excess of ketone bodies in the blood, also KETONAEMIA.
MACEDOINEmacedoine n. A mixture of diced vegetables or fruit served as a salad.
macedoine n. (Figurative) A medley or mixture.
macédoine n. (Cooking) A type of dish containing a mixture of many types of fruits, or many types of vegetables.
MEADOWIERMEADOWY adj. of or pertaining to meadows.
MELIORATEmeliorate v. (Transitive) To make better; to improve; to solve a problem.
meliorate v. (Intransitive) To become better.
MELIORATE v. to make better, also AMELIORATE.
MENADIONEmenadione n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic yellow compound C11H8O2 with the biological activity of natural vitamin K…
MENADIONE n. vitamin K3.
OSMETERIAosmeteria n. Plural of osmeterium.
OSMETERIUM n. a forked process behind the head of certain caterpillars, giving out a foul smell.
PEPEROMIApeperomia n. Any plant of the genus Peperomia, some of which are popular houseplants.
Peperomia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Piperaceae – pepper-like herbaceous perennials.
PEPEROMIA n. a genus of subtropical herbaceous plants.
WEARISOMEwearisome adj. Tiresome, tedious or causing fatigue.
WEARISOME adj. tiresome, also WEARIFUL.
XENOMENIAxenomenia n. Bleeding from another body part instead of normal menstruation, once thought to be a vicarious process…
XENOMENIA n. menstruation from abnormal orifices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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