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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H and 2M

EMPHYSEMAemphysema n. (Pathology) An abnormal accumulation of air or other gas in tissues, most commonly the lungs.
emphysema n. (Medicine) Pulmonary emphysema, a chronic lung disease, one type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
EMPHYSEMA n. a swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue.
HAMMERERShammerers n. Plural of hammerer.
HAMMERER n. one who hammers.
HAMMERMENhammermen n. Plural of hammerman.
HAMMERMAN n. a man who operates a hammer.
HAMMERTOEhammertoe n. (Uncountable) A medical condition where a toe is permanently bent down.
hammertoe n. (Countable) A toe suffering from such condition.
hammer␣toe n. A deformity of the second, third, or fourth toe causing it to be permanently bent at the first joint…
HOMEMAKERhomemaker n. (US) A person who maintains the administration and upkeep of his or her residence, especially one who…
HOMEMAKER n. a housewife or househusband.
MACHMETERmachmeter n. Alternative form of Machmeter.
Machmeter n. (Aviation) An instrument that measures the speed of an aircraft relative to that of sound and displays…
MACHMETER n. an instrument for measuring Mach number.
REHAMMERSrehammers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rehammer.
REHAMMER v. to hammer again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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