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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, K and R

CHICKAREEchickaree n. (North America) A small squirrel, one of the species of Tamiasciurus, that lives in evergreen forests…
CHICKAREE n. the American red squirrel, so called from its cry.
DAKERHENSdakerhens n. Plural of dakerhen.
daker-hens n. Plural of daker-hen.
DAKERHEN n. another name for the corncrake.
EARTHLIKEearthlike adj. (Of a planet) Resembling the Earth.
Earthlike adj. Similar to, or resembling the Earth.
EARTHLIKE adj. like the planet earth.
EKPHRASESekphrases n. Plural of ekphrasis.
EKPHRASIS n. a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art, also ECPHRASIS.
HACKERIEShackeries n. Plural of hackery.
HACKERY n. an ox-drawn cart for moving goods.
HANKERERShankerers n. Plural of hankerer.
HANKERER n. one who hankers.
HARKENERSharkeners n. Plural of harkener.
HARKENER n. one who harkens, also HEARKENER.
HEARKENEDhearkened v. Simple past tense and past participle of hearken.
HEARKEN v. to listen to, also HARK, HARKEN.
HEARKENERhearkener n. One who hearkens; a listener.
HEARKENER n. one who hearkens, also HARKENER.
HEKETARASHEKETARA n. (Maori) a small shrub that has flowers with white petals and yellow centres.
HOMEMAKERhomemaker n. (US) A person who maintains the administration and upkeep of his or her residence, especially one who…
HOMEMAKER n. a housewife or househusband.
LAKESHORElakeshore n. (Sometimes attributive) The shore of a lake.
LAKESHORE n. the shore of a lake.
PHREAKERSphreakers n. Plural of phreaker.
PHREAKER n. one who uses equipment to obtain free telephone calls.
RAKEHELLSrakehells n. Plural of rakehell.
rake-hells n. Plural of rake-hell.
RAKEHELL n. a man lacking in moral restraint.
RAKEHELLYrakehelly adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of rakehell.
rake-helly adj. Alternative form of rakehelly.
RAKEHELLY adj. like a rakehell, dissolute.
RAKESHAMErakeshame n. (Obsolete) A vile, dissolute wretch.
RAKESHAME n. a vile, dissolute wretch.
SHELDRAKEsheldrake n. An Old World duck of the genus Tadorna (shelducks).
sheldrake n. A merganser.
sheldrake n. The call sign for an artillery officer.
SHIKAREESshikarees n. Plural of shikaree.
SHIKAREE n. (Urdu) a hunter, esp. of big game, also SHIKARI.
SHOEMAKERshoemaker n. A person who makes shoes.
shoemaker n. The threadfish.
shoemaker n. A fish, Elagatis pinnulatis, the runner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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