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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, P and U

ANGUIPEDEanguipede n. Alternative form of anguiped.
ANGUIPEDE n. a mythical giant having feet or legs in the form of snakes, also ANGUIPED.
DECOUPAGEdecoupage n. An art technique in which paper cutouts (either from magazines etc or specially made) are glued onto…
decoupage n. An artwork made by this technique.
decoupage v. To perform or use the art technique of decoupage.
EPIGAEOUSepigaeous adj. Alternative form of epigeous.
EPIGAEOUS adj. growing or living close to the ground, with cotyledons above ground, also EPIGAEAL, EPIGAEAN, EPIGEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
EQUIPAGEDequipaged adj. Furnished with equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
EQUIPAGESequipages n. Plural of equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
EXPURGATEexpurgate v. (Transitive) To edit out (incorrect, offensive, or otherwise undesirable information) from a book or…
expurgate v. (Transitive) To undertake editing out incorrect, offensive, or otherwise undesirable information from…
EXPURGATE v. to purify or revise; to censor.
GASPEREAUgaspereau n. (Canada, dated) An alewife (type of fish).
GASPEREAU n. (French) a fish of the herring family found on the Atlantic coast of North America, aka alewife.
PEDAGOGUEpedagogue n. A teacher or instructor of children; one whose occupation is to teach the young.
pedagogue n. A pedant; one who by teaching has become overly formal or pedantic in his or her ways; one who has the…
pedagogue n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A slave who led the master’s children to school, and had the charge of them generally.
PEGASUSESpegasuses n. Plural of pegasus.
PEGASUS n. (Latin) a member of a genus of small fishes superficially like seahorses.
PUCELAGESpucelages n. Plural of pucelage.
PUCELAGE n. virginity.
PUGGAREESpuggarees n. Plural of puggaree.
PUGGAREE n. (Hindi) a turban, a light scarf worn round a hat to keep out the sun, also PAGRI, PUGAREE, PUGGERY, PUGGREE, PUGGRY, PUGREE.
PURGEABLEpurgeable adj. Capable of being purged.
PURGEABLE adj. that can be purged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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