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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, O and U

AEGLOGUESaeglogues n. Plural of aeglogue.
AEGLOGUE n. (archaic) a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue between shepherds, also ECLOGUE.
COLLEAGUEcolleague n. A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate.
colleague v. To unite or associate with another or with others.
COLLEAGUE n. a fellow-worker.
DECALOGUEdecalogue n. Alternative spelling of Decalogue.
Decalogue prop.n. The Ten Commandments.
Decalogue n. Any set of rules that have the weight of authority.
DECOUPAGEdecoupage n. An art technique in which paper cutouts (either from magazines etc or specially made) are glued onto…
decoupage n. An artwork made by this technique.
decoupage v. To perform or use the art technique of decoupage.
DEMAGOGUEdemagogue n. (Derogatory) A political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and…
demagogue n. (Historical) A leader of the people.
demagogue v. (Intransitive and transitive) To speak or act in the manner of a demagogue; to speak about (an issue)…
ENCOURAGEencourage v. To mentally support; to motivate, give courage, hope or spirit.
encourage v. To spur on, strongly recommend.
encourage v. To foster, give help or patronage.
ENTOURAGEentourage n. A retinue of attendants, associates or followers.
entourage n. (Topology) A binary relation in a uniform space which generalises the notion of two points being no…
entourage n. (Architecture) Decorations, such as people, vehicles, or trees, appearing on an architectural sketch…
EPIGAEOUSepigaeous adj. Alternative form of epigeous.
EPIGAEOUS adj. growing or living close to the ground, with cotyledons above ground, also EPIGAEAL, EPIGAEAN, EPIGEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
GATEHOUSEgatehouse n. A lodge besides the entrance to an estate; often the residence of a gatekeeper; also a dwelling formerly…
gatehouse n. (Archaic) A fortified room over the entrance to a castle or over the gate in a city wall.
gatehouse n. A shelter for a gatekeeper.
HEMAGOGUEHEMAGOGUE n. a drug that promotes the flow of blood, also HAEMAGOGUE, HEMAGOG.
IDEALOGUEidealogue n. One given to fanciful ideas or theories; someone who theorizes or speculates.
idealogue n. Someone who espouses a particular ideology, particularly a political one.
IDEALOGUE n. a doctrinaire adherent of an ideology, also IDEOLOGUE.
MEGAJOULEmegajoule n. (Metrology) An SI unit of energy equal to 106 joules. Symbol: MJ.
mega-joule n. One million ( 106 ) joules. Symbol: MJ.
MEGAJOULE n. a million joules.
NONLEAGUEnonleague adj. (Sports) Not part of a league.
non-league adj. (Britain, soccer) Playing in a division below The Football League, being amateur or semi-professional teams.
NONLEAGUE adj. of a sporting club, not in the league.
PEDAGOGUEpedagogue n. A teacher or instructor of children; one whose occupation is to teach the young.
pedagogue n. A pedant; one who by teaching has become overly formal or pedantic in his or her ways; one who has the…
pedagogue n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A slave who led the master’s children to school, and had the charge of them generally.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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