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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, I and P

ANGUIPEDEanguipede n. Alternative form of anguiped.
ANGUIPEDE n. a mythical giant having feet or legs in the form of snakes, also ANGUIPED.
BELEAPINGbeleaping v. Present participle of beleap.
BELEAP v. to leap upon.
EPATERINGEPATER v. (French) to shock complacent people.
EPIGAEOUSepigaeous adj. Alternative form of epigeous.
EPIGAEOUS adj. growing or living close to the ground, with cotyledons above ground, also EPIGAEAL, EPIGAEAN, EPIGEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
EQUIPAGEDequipaged adj. Furnished with equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
EQUIPAGESequipages n. Plural of equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
ESPIONAGEespionage n. The act or process of learning secret information through clandestine means.
ESPIONAGE n. the practice of spying.
GRAPELICEGRAPELOUSE n. an insect of the genus Phylloxera, that attacks vines.
GRAPELIKEgrapelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a grape.
GRAPELIKE adj. like a grape.
GRAPERIESgraperies n. Plural of grapery.
GRAPERY n. a building or inclosure used for the cultivation of grapes.
GRAPEVINEgrapevine n. The plant, a vine of genus Vitis, on which grapes grow.
grapevine n. A rumor.
grapevine n. An informal person-to-person means of circulating information or gossip.
INTERPAGEinterpage adj. Between the pages of a document.
interpage v. (Transitive, intransitive) To insert or include between the pages of another document; to interleave.
INTERPAGE v. to print or insert on intermediate pages.
MEGAPIXELmegapixel n. One million pixels, used as a unit of resolution of digital cameras.
megapixel adj. (Preceded by a cardinal number) Having a resolution of the specified number of megapixels.
MEGAPIXEL n. one million pixels.
PAGEVIEWSpageviews n. Plural of pageview.
PAGEVIEW n. an electronic display of one page of information.
PEGMATITEpegmatite n. A coarsely crystalline igneous or plutonic rock composed primarily of feldspar and quartz, normally…
PEGMATITE n. a coarsely crystallized rock commonly occurring in igneous intrusions, esp. dykes, and consisting mainly of feldspar and quartz.
PIGHEADEDpigheaded adj. (Derogatory) Obstinate and stubborn to the point of stupidity.
pig-headed adj. Alternative form of pigheaded.
PIGHEADED adj. obstinate.
PIGNERATEpignerate adj. Alternative form of pignorate.
pignerate v. Alternative form of pignorate.
PIGNERATE v. (archaic) to pledge or pawn, also PIGNORATE.
PILFERAGEpilferage n. The individual act or recurring practice of stealing items of low value, especially in small quantities…
PILFERAGE n. the act of pilfering.
REPEALINGrepealing v. Present participle of repeal.
repealing n. The act by which something is repealed.
REPEAL v. to revoke.
REPEATINGrepeating v. Present participle of repeat.
repeating adj. That repeats; repetitive.
repeating adj. Of a firearm: capable of firing multiple times without needing recharging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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