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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, H and P

GRAPHEMESgraphemes n. Plural of grapheme.
GRAPHEME n. a unit of a writing system.
GRAPHENESgraphenes n. Plural of graphene.
GRAPHENE n. a film of graphite with a thickness of one atom.
HOMEPAGEShomepages n. Plural of homepage.
home␣pages n. Plural of home page.
HOMEPAGE n. the main page of a website.
MEGAPHONEmegaphone n. A portable, usually hand-held, funnel-shaped device that is used to amplify a person’s natural voice…
megaphone n. (Figuratively) Mouthpiece or promoter; one who speaks for or publicizes on behalf of another.
megaphone v. (Transitive, intransitive) To use a megaphone; to speak through a megaphone.
PATHOGENEpathogene n. Dated form of pathogen.
PATHOGENE n. a disease-producing organism, also PATHOGEN.
PESHMERGApeshmerga n. A term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters.
peshmerga n. The official name of the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PHAGEDENAphagedena n. (Medicine) Spreading, obstinate ulceration.
PHAGEDENA n. hospital gangrene, a rapidly spreading destructive ulcer, also PHAGEDAENA.
PIGHEADEDpigheaded adj. (Derogatory) Obstinate and stubborn to the point of stupidity.
pig-headed adj. Alternative form of pigheaded.
PIGHEADED adj. obstinate.
PRECHARGEprecharge adj. Before a charge.
precharge n. (Semiconductors) The phase in the access cycle of DRAM during which the storage capacitors are charged…
precharge n. (Law) The period of time before the person is charged with a crime.
REPECHAGErepechage n. (Sports) A heat (as in rowing or fencing) in which the best competitors who have lost in a previous…
repêchage n. Alternative spelling of repechage.
REPECHAGE n. (French) a supplementary heat or competition giving eliminated competitors the chance of competing again to reach the final.
TELEGRAPHtelegraph n. (Uncommon) Synonym of telegraphy, any process for transmitting arbitrarily long messages over a long…
telegraph n. (Chiefly historical) The electrical device gradually developed in the early 19th century to transmit…
telegraph n. (Video games) A visible or audible cue that indicates to an opponent the action that a character is about to take.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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