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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 3E, N and P

APPETENCEappetence n. The state or action of desiring or craving.
APPETENCE n. strong craving or powerful desire, also APPETENCY.
CHEAPENEDcheapened v. Simple past tense and past participle of cheapen.
CHEAPEN v. to lower the value of.
CHEAPENERcheapener n. One who cheapens.
CHEAPENER n. one who makes cheap.
EMPANELEDempaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
EMPENNAGEempennage n. The tail assembly of an aircraft.
empennage n. The feathers of an arrow or the tail fins of a bomb or rocket used to stabilize the longitudinal axis…
EMPENNAGE n. (French) the tail assembly of an airplane.
EPAENETICepaenetic adj. Alternative form of epænetic.
epænetic adj. (Rare) Encomiastic; laudatory; panegyrical; praiseful.
EPAENETIC adj. (archaic) eulogistic.
ESPERANCEesperance n. (Obsolete) Expectation, hope.
Esperance prop.n. A town and shire in the south of Western Australia.
Esperance prop.n. A town and village in Schoharie County, New York, United States.
PALEOCENEPaleocene adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to the Paleocene epoch.
Paleocene prop.n. (Geology) A geologic epoch within the Paleogene period from about 65 to 56 million years ago; marked…
PALEOCENE adj. belonging to a certain geological time period, also PALEOGENE.
PALEOGENEPaleogene adj. (Geology) Of a geologic period within the Cenozoic era; comprises the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene…
Paleogene prop.n. (Geology) The Paleogene period.
PALEOGENE adj. belonging to a certain geological time period, also PALEOCENE.
PARENESESpareneses n. Plural of parenesis.
PARENESIS n. an exhortation, also PARAENESIS.
PATENTEESpatentees n. Plural of patentee.
PATENTEE n. one who holds a patent.
PENEPLANEpeneplane n. Alternative form of peneplain.
PENEPLANE n. a low gently, rolling landscape produced by long-continued erosion, also PENEPLAIN.
PENETRATEpenetrate v. To enter into; to make way into the interior of; to pierce.
penetrate v. (Figuratively) To achieve understanding of, despite some obstacle; to comprehend; to understand.
penetrate v. To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to move deeply.
PERENNATEperennate v. (Botany) To survive from one growing season to the next.
PERENNATE v. to last or live through a number of years, as a perennial plant.
PERMEANCEpermeance n. A measure of the degree to which a material allows a fluid to permeate it.
permeance n. (Physics) The reciprocal of reluctance in a magnetic circuit; the analogue of conductance in an electrical circuit.
PERMEANCE n. the property of allowing the passage of lines of magnetic flux.
PLEASEMENpleasemen n. Plural of pleaseman.
PLEASEMAN n. (Shakespeare) an officious fellow; a pickthank.
PREWEANEDpreweaned adj. Weaned in advance.
PREWEANED adj. of e.g. calves, not yet weaned.
REPANELEDrepaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of repanel.
REPANEL v. to panel again.
WEAPONEERweaponeer n. (US) Someone who makes weapons, especially nuclear weapons.
weaponeer n. A member of an aircrew responsible for the weapons.
weaponeer v. (Military) To provide with appropriate weaponry for use against the chosen targets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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