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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, D, M, 2S and U

ABSURDISMabsurdism n. (Uncountable, philosophy) A philosophy which holds that the universe is chaotic and irrational and that…
absurdism n. (Countable) Absurdity, something that is absurd.
ABSURDISM n. the doctrine that we live in an irrational universe.
ASSUMEDLYassumedly adv. (Chiefly US) In an assumed manner; presumably.
ASSUMED adv. ASSUME, to take for granted.
BUDMASHESbudmashes n. Plural of budmash.
BUDMASH n. (Urdu) an evildoer, a worthless person, also BADMASH.
COASSUMEDcoassumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of coassume.
COASSUME v. to assume together.
MADHOUSESmadhouses n. Plural of madhouse.
MADHOUSE n. an insane asylum.
MISADJUSTmisadjust v. (Transitive) To adjust wrongly or unsuitably.
MISADJUST v. to adjust wrongly; to throw out of adjustment.
MOUSEPADSmousepads n. Plural of mousepad.
mouse␣pads n. Plural of mouse pad.
MOUSEPAD n. a pad for a computer mouse, also MOUSEMAT.
MUSCADELSmuscadels n. Plural of muscadel.
MUSCADEL n. a rich spicy wine derived from muscat grapes, also MUSCADELLE, MUSCATEL.
MUSCADETSmuscadets n. Plural of muscadet.
MUSCADET n. (French) a dry, white French wine.
MUSCADINSmuscadins n. Plural of muscadin.
MUSCADIN n. (French) a Parisian fop or dandy; a middle-class moderate in the French Revolution.
PALUDISMSpaludisms n. Plural of paludism.
PALUDISM n. marsh fever; malaria.
REASSUMEDreassumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reassume.
REASSUME v. to assume again.
SANDPUMPSsandpumps n. Plural of sandpump.
sand␣pumps n. Plural of sand pump.
SANDPUMP n. a pump for sand or mud.
SCANDIUMSSCANDIUM n. a rare metallic element of the boron group.
STUDFARMSstudfarms n. Plural of studfarm.
stud␣farms n. Plural of stud farm.
STUDFARM n. a horse-breeding farm.
UNAMASSEDunamassed adj. Not amassed.
UNAMASSED adj. not amassed.
UNASSUMEDunassumed adj. Not assumed.
UNASSUMED adj. not assumed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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