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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, D, M, R, T and U

ADMIXTUREadmixture n. An instance of admixing, a mixing in of something.
admixture n. A mixture, in some contexts.
ADMIXTURE n. the action of mixing.
ADUMBRATEadumbrate v. To foreshadow vaguely.
adumbrate v. To give a vague outline.
adumbrate v. To obscure or overshadow.
ARMATUREDarmatured adj. Fitted with an armature.
armatured v. Simple past tense and past participle of armature.
ARMATURE v. to furnish with armor.
AUTODROMEautodrome n. A circuit used for motor sports events, but not for high-speed racing.
AUTODROME n. a track or circuit for racing cars, go-karts, etc.
DIATRETUMdiatretum n. Synonym of cage cup.
DIATRETUM n. (Latin) a kind of glass bowl of late Roman times.
DRAMATURGdramaturg n. Alternative form of dramaturge.
DRAMATURG n. a dramatist; specifically a reader and literary editor etc. to a permanent theatrical company, also DRAMATURGE, DRAMATURGIST.
DRUMBEATSdrumbeats n. Plural of drumbeat.
DRUMBEAT n. the sound of a drum.
DUMPCARTSdumpcarts n. Plural of dumpcart.
dump-carts n. Plural of dump-cart.
dump␣carts n. Plural of dump cart.
MATURATEDmaturated v. Simple past tense and past participle of maturate.
MATURATE v. to develop fully, also MATURE.
MODULATORmodulator n. A person who modulates.
modulator n. A device or thing that modulates.
modulator n. (Music) A chart in the tonic sol-fa notation on which the modulations or changes from one scale to another…
MURICATEDmuricated adj. Synonym of muricate.
MURICATED adj. rough or warty with short sharp points, also MURICATE.
NUMERATEDnumerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of numerate.
NUMERATE v. to compute, calculate, also ENUMERATE.
OUTDREAMSoutdreams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outdream.
OUTDREAM v. to surpass in dreaming.
OUTDREAMToutdreamt v. Simple past tense and past participle of outdream.
OUTDREAM v. to surpass in dreaming.
RUMINATEDruminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ruminate.
ruminated adj. (Botany) ruminate.
RUMINATE v. to chew again.
STUDFARMSstudfarms n. Plural of studfarm.
stud␣farms n. Plural of stud farm.
STUDFARM n. a horse-breeding farm.
TAMBOUREDtamboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of tambour.
TAMBOUR v. to embroider on a round wooden frame.
TRANSUMEDtransumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transume.
TRANSUME v. (obsolete) to transcribe officially.
UNMATUREDunmatured adj. Not matured.
UNMATURED adj. not matured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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