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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, M, 2R and U

ARMATUREDarmatured adj. Fitted with an armature.
armatured v. Simple past tense and past participle of armature.
ARMATURE v. to furnish with armor.
ARMGUARDSarmguards n. Plural of armguard.
ARMGUARD n. a covering to protect the arm.
DEMURRAGEdemurrage n. (Shipping) the detention of a ship or other freight vehicle, during delayed loading or unloading.
demurrage n. Compensation paid for such detention.
demurrage n. A charge made for exchanging currency for bullion.
DEMURRALSdemurrals n. Plural of demurral.
DEMURRAL n. the act of demurring.
DRAMATURGdramaturg n. Alternative form of dramaturge.
DRAMATURG n. a dramatist; specifically a reader and literary editor etc. to a permanent theatrical company, also DRAMATURGE, DRAMATURGIST.
DRUGMAKERdrugmaker n. A pharmaceutical manufacturer.
drugmaker n. A producer of illegal drugs.
DRUGMAKER n. one who manufactures drugs.
GUARDROOMguardroom n. A room used by soldiers when on guard.
guardroom n. A jail cell in which military prisoners are kept.
GUARDROOM n. a room having the same function as a guardhouse.
MACRUROIDmacruroid adj. (Zoology) Like or relating to the Macrura.
MACRUROID adj. belonging to the crustacean division including lobsters, prawns.
MARAUDERSmarauders n. Plural of marauder.
MARAUDER n. one who marauds.
MAUNDERERmaunderer n. A babbler, a mumbler, one who speaks incessantly.
MAUNDERER n. one who maunders.
MURRAINEDmurrained adj. Afflicted with murrain (cattle disease).
MURRAINED adj. affected with the murrain, a cattle disease.
REMARQUEDremarqued adj. Having a remarque.
REMARQUED adj. bearing a remarque, a mark made in the margin of an engraving indicating a stage of development prior to completion.
UNARMOREDunarmored adj. Not armored; not wearing armor.
UNARMORED adj. not armored, also UNARMOURED.
UNDERARMSunderarms n. Plural of underarm.
under␣arms adj. (Military) Equipped with weapons (Of a country, army etc.); in a state of armed, military readiness.
under␣arms adj. (Chiefly Australia) Carrying a weapon (chiefly of a criminal); of a crime, committed using a weapon or weapons.
UNMARRIEDunmarried adj. Having no husband or wife.
unmarried n. An unmarried person.
UNMARRIED adj. not married.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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