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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, D, M, P and 2S

AMIDSHIPSamidships adv. (Nautical) In the middle of a ship, either longitudinally or laterally.
amidships adv. (Nautical) Usually in the line of the keel, but sometimes halfway between bow and stern; often contracted…
amidships adv. (Figuratively) On the flank, at a vulnerable place.
COMPASSEDcompassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of compass.
compassed adj. (Obsolete) rounded; arched.
COMPASS v. to surround or enclose.
DRAMSHOPSdramshops n. Plural of dramshop.
DRAMSHOP n. a shop or barroom where spirits are sold by the dram.
MIDSPACESmidspaces n. Plural of midspace.
MIDSPACE n. the middle of space.
MISADAPTSmisadapts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misadapt.
MISADAPT v. to adapt wrongly.
MISPARSEDmisparsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misparse.
MISPARSE v. to parse incorrectly.
MISPLEADSmispleads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misplead.
MISPLEAD v. to plead wrongly or falsely.
MISSHAPEDmisshaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of misshape.
MISSHAPE v. (Spenser) to shape badly.
MISSPACEDmisspaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of misspace.
MISSPACE v. to space incorrectly.
MOUSEPADSmousepads n. Plural of mousepad.
mouse␣pads n. Plural of mouse pad.
MOUSEPAD n. a pad for a computer mouse, also MOUSEMAT.
PALUDISMSpaludisms n. Plural of paludism.
PALUDISM n. marsh fever; malaria.
PASHADOMSpashadoms n. Plural of pashadom.
PASHADOM n. (Turkish) the rank of a pasha, also PACHADOM.
PLASMOIDSplasmoids n. Plural of plasmoid.
PLASMOID n. a type of high energy particle.
SANDPUMPSsandpumps n. Plural of sandpump.
sand␣pumps n. Plural of sand pump.
SANDPUMP n. a pump for sand or mud.
SPADESMANspadesman n. A man who uses a spade or shovel.
SPADESMAN n. a worker with the spade.
SPADESMENspadesmen n. Plural of spadesman.
SPADESMAN n. a worker with the spade.
SPASMODICspasmodic adj. Of or relating to a spasm; resembling a sudden contraction of the muscles.
spasmodic adj. Convulsive; consisting of spasms.
spasmodic adj. Intermittent or fitful; occurring in abrupt bursts.
STAMPEDESstampedes n. Plural of stampede.
STAMPEDE v. to send rushing in panic, also STAMPEDO.
STAMPEDOSstampedos n. Plural of stampedo.
stampedos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stampedo.
STAMPEDO v. (obsolete) to stampede.
STEPDAMESstepdames n. Plural of stepdame.
STEPDAME n. a stepmother.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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