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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, D, I, R, U and Y

ABSURDITYabsurdity n. (Countable) That which is absurd; an absurd action; a logical contradiction.
absurdity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment.
absurdity n. (Obsolete, rare) Dissonance.
AYURVEDICayurvedic adj. Alternative spelling of Ayurvedic.
Ayurvedic adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of Ayurveda.
AYURVEDIC adj. relating to ayurveda, the traditional system of Indian medicine.
DIURNALLYdiurnally adv. Daily.
diurnally adv. By daylight.
diurnally adv. Every daytime.
DUOBINARYduobinary adj. (Telecommunications) Being, or pertaining to, a bipolar encoding in which the ones are represented alternately…
DUOBINARY adj. denoting a communications system for coding digital data.
FIDUCIARYfiduciary adj. (Law) Relating to an entity that owes to another good faith, accountability and trust, often in the…
fiduciary adj. Pertaining to paper money whose value depends on public confidence or securities.
fiduciary adj. (Nonstandard) Accepted as a trusted reference such as a point, value, or marker; fiducial.
HYDRAULIChydraulic adj. Pertaining to water.
hydraulic adj. Related to, or operated by, hydraulics.
hydraulic v. (Transitive) To mine using the technique of hydraulic mining.
JUDICIARYjudiciary n. The collective body of judges, justices, etc.
judiciary n. The court system, inclusive of clerical staff, etc.
judiciary adj. Judicial.
RESIDUARYresiduary adj. Of or relating to a residue; residual; left over, when the main portion has been removed.
residuary adj. (Law) With respect to a will, relating to the portion of an estate which was not disposed of in the…
residuary n. One who receives the residue of an estate.
UNREADILYunreadily adv. In an unready manner.
UNREADY adv. not ready, also UNREDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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