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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, D, I, 2M and R

DREAMTIMEDreamtime prop.n. (Australian Aboriginal mythology) The time of the creation of the world, by the ancestors out of their own essence.
DREAMTIME n. in the mythology of Australian Aboriginals, the time when the earth and patterns of life on earth took shape.
FORMAMIDEformamide n. (Organic chemistry) The amide of formic acid HCO-NH2 or any N-substituted derivative; they are used…
FORMAMIDE n. a colourless hygroscopic liquid used as a solvent.
MARASMOIDmarasmoid adj. Resembling or characteristic of marasmus.
MARASMOID adj. suffering from marasmus.
MERMAIDENmermaiden n. A mermaid, a maiden of the sea; siren.
MERMAIDEN n. a mythical creature with a woman's upper body and a fish's tail, also MERMAID.
MIDRASHIMMidrashim n. Plural of Midrash.
MIDRASH n. (Hebrew) an early Jewish interpretation of a biblical text.
MIDSTREAMmidstream n. The middle of a stream or river.
midstream adv. In midstream, abruptly.
mid-stream n. Alternative form of midstream.
MISFRAMEDmisframed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misframe.
MISFRAME v. to frame badly.
MISMARKEDmismarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of mismark.
MISMARK v. to mark wrongly.
MRIDAMGAMmridamgam n. Alternative form of mridangam.
MRIDAMGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDANG, MRIDANGA, MRIDANGAM.
MRIDANGAMmridangam n. (Music) A percussion instrument used in southern Indian music, consisting of a two-sided drum whose…
MRIDANGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDAMGAM, MRIDANG, MRIDANGA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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