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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2I, T and U

ASSIDUITYassiduity n. Great and persistent toil or effort.
assiduity n. (In the plural) Constant personal attention, solicitous care.
ASSIDUITY n. persevering application to a pursuit.
AUDITINGSauditings n. Plural of auditing.
AUDITING n. the act of performing an audit.
AUDITIONSauditions n. Plural of audition.
auditions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of audition.
AUDITION v. to give a trial performance.
AUDITIVESAUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
AUDITORIAauditoria n. Plural of auditorium.
AUDITORIUM n. (Latin) the part of a theatre, lecture-hall, or other public building occupied by the audience.
DUALISTICdualistic adj. Of or relating to dualism.
DUALISTIC adj. consisting of two; pertaining to dualism.
DUALITIESdualities n. Plural of duality.
DUALITY n. the state of being twofold.
INDUSIATEindusiate adj. (Botany) Furnished with an indusium.
INDUSIATE adj. having an indusium, a protective covering.
INDUVIATEinduviate adj. (Botany) Covered with induviae.
INDUVIATE adj. covered with induviae, as the upper part of the trunk of a palm tree.
LIQUIDATEliquidate v. (Transitive) To settle (a debt) by paying the outstanding amount.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To settle the affairs of (a company), by using its assets to pay its debts.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To convert (assets) into cash; to redeem.
LUNITIDALlunitidal adj. Of or pertaining to tides caused by the moon.
lunitidal adj. Describing the difference in time between the crossing of a meridian by the moon and the subsequent…
LUNITIDAL adj. pertaining to tidal movements dependent on the moon.
NAUTILOIDnautiloid n. A mollusc resembling a nautilus; specifically, a cephalopod of the subclass Nautiloidea.
nautiloid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a nautilus; pertaining to the subclass Nautiloidea.
NAUTILOID n. a mollusc of the subclass Nautiloidea, to which the nautilus and several extinct species belong.
PAIDEUTICpaideutic adj. Relating to paideutics.
PAIDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAEDEUTIC.
QUALITIEDqualitied adj. (Now rare) Endowed with (usually specified) qualities; especially, having good qualities.
QUALITIED adj. endowed with a quality or qualities.
QUOTIDIANquotidian adj. (Medicine) Recurring every twenty-four hours or (more generally) daily (of symptoms, etc).
quotidian adj. Happening every day; daily.
quotidian adj. Having the characteristics of something which can be seen, experienced, etc, every day or very commonly;…
SATURNIIDsaturniid n. Any moth of the family Saturniidae.
SATURNIID n. any of a family of large tropical moths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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