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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2I, S and Y

ADIPOSITYadiposity n. Obesity; the state of being fat.
adiposity n. The condition of being adipose; adipose tissue.
ADIPOSITY n. the state of being fat.
ASSIDUITYassiduity n. Great and persistent toil or effort.
assiduity n. (In the plural) Constant personal attention, solicitous care.
ASSIDUITY n. persevering application to a pursuit.
DAIRYINGSDAIRYING n. the business of a dairy.
DAISYLIKEdaisylike adj. Resembling a daisy, especially in shape or color.
DAISYLIKE adj. resembling a daisy.
DAYLILIESdaylilies n. Plural of daylily.
day␣lilies n. Plural of day lily.
DAYLILY n. a liliaceous plant genus, whose flowers last for one day only.
DIALYSINGdialysing v. Present participle of dialyse.
DIALYSE v. to use a kidney machine, also DIALYZE.
DIAPHYSISdiaphysis n. (Anatomy) The central shaft of any long bone.
diaphysis n. (Botany) An abnormal elongation of the axis of a flower or of an inflorescence.
DIAPHYSIS n. (Greek) the shaft of a long bone.
DIAPYESISdiapyesis n. Suppuration.
DIAPYESIS n. release or discharge of pus.
DIONYSIACdionysiac adj. Wild and ecstatic.
Dionysiac adj. Of, or relating to Dionysus or to the Dionysia.
DIONYSIAC adj. orgiastic, also DIONYSIAN.
DIONYSIANdionysian adj. Wild, irrational, and undisciplined.
Dionysian adj. Of or pertaining to Dionysus.
Dionysian adj. Alternative form of dionysian.
DISMALITYdismality n. The quality or state of being dismal.
DISMALITY n. the state of being dismal.
DISMAYINGdismaying v. Present participle of dismay.
DISMAY v. to appall or alarm.
DISPARITYdisparity n. (Uncountable) The state of being unequal; difference.
disparity n. (Countable) Incongruity.
DISPARITY n. inequality.
MYDRIASISmydriasis n. (Medicine) The condition of having abnormally large and dilated pupils due to illness or narcotics…
MYDRIASIS n. morbid dilatation of the pupil of the eye.
VASTIDITYvastidity n. Vastness; immensity.
VASTIDITY n. immensity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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