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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, D, 3I and T

ACIDITIESacidities n. Plural of acidity.
ACIDITY n. sourness.
ARIDITIESaridities n. Plural of aridity.
ARIDITY n. the state of being arid.
AVIDITIESavidities n. Plural of avidity.
AVIDITY n. greed.
DIACRITICdiacritic adj. Distinguishing.
diacritic adj. (Orthography, not comparable) Denoting a distinguishing mark applied to a letter or character.
diacritic n. A special mark added to a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning.
DIACTINICdiactinic adj. (Physics) Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light.
DIACTINIC adj. capable of transmitting actinic rays.
DIARISTICdiaristic adj. Pertaining to diaries or diarists; in the style of a diary.
DIARISTIC adj. like a diarist, one who keeps a diary.
DIETICIANdietician n. Nonstandard spelling of dietitian.
DIETICIAN n. an expert on diet, also DIETIST, DIETITIAN.
DIETITIANdietitian n. A person who studies or practices dietetics.
DIETITIAN n. an expert on diet, also DIETICIAN, DIETIST.
DIGITALINdigitalin n. Any of a mixture of glycosides, extracted from the foxglove plant, that are used as cardiotonics.
DIGITALIN n. a drug extracted from foxglove, used for heart complaints.
DIGITALISdigitalis n. Any plant of the genus Digitalis (herbaceous plants of the Plantaginaceae family, including the foxglove…
digitalis n. (Medicine) A medical extract of Digitalis purpurea prescribed for heart failure etc.
Digitalis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – foxglove and similar plants.
DIMIDIATEdimidiate adj. Divided into two (equal) halves.
dimidiate adj. Consisting of only one half of what the normal condition requires; having the appearance of lacking one half.
dimidiate adj. Having the organs of one side, or half, different in function from the corresponding organs on the other side.
IDIOMATICidiomatic adj. Pertaining or conforming to idiom, the natural mode of expression of a language.
idiomatic adj. Resembling or characteristic of an idiom.
idiomatic adj. (Music) Relating to parts or pieces which are written both within the natural physical limitations of…
IDIOTICALidiotical adj. (Archaic) simple, unlearned.
IDIOTICAL adj. relating to or like an idiot, also IDIOTIC.
INITIALEDinitialed v. Simple past tense and past participle of initial.
INITIAL v. to mark with the first letters of one's name.
INITIATEDinitiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of initiate.
INITIATE v. to begin or start.
MITICIDALmiticidal adj. Having the effect of killing mites.
MITICIDAL adj. relating to a miticide, an agent which kills mites.
STICHIDIAstichidia n. Plural of stichidium.
STICHIDIUM n. a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds.
TIGRIDIASTIGRIDIA n. a tropical American plant with colourful flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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