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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, H, 2I and T

ADHIBITEDadhibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of adhibit.
ADHIBIT v. to attach; to administer, esp. as a remedy.
DIATHESISdiathesis n. (Medicine) A hereditary or constitutional predisposition to a disease or other disorder.
diathesis n. (Grammar) Voice (active or passive).
DIATHESIS n. a constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or condition.
DIATHETICdiathetic adj. Of, relating to, or as a result of diathesis.
DIATHETIC adj. pertaining to a diathesis, a constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or condition.
DISHABITSDISHABIT v. (Shakespeare) to drive from a habitation.
DISTICHALdistichal adj. (Botany, poetry) distichous.
DISTICHAL adj. in or having two rows, also DISTICHOUS.
IDIOPATHYidiopathy n. (Pathology) Something idiopathic; a disease having no known cause.
IDIOPATHY n. a disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause.
INHABITEDinhabited adj. Having inhabitants; lived in.
inhabited adj. (Mathematics, of a set) Containing at least one element.
inhabited adj. (Type theory, of a type) Having a term.
INTIFADAHintifadah n. Alternative spelling of intifada.
INTIFADAH n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADA, INTIFADEH.
INTIFADEHintifadeh n. Alternative form of intifadah.
INTIFADEH n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADA, INTIFADAH.
JIHADISTSjihadists n. Plural of jihadist.
JIHADIST n. one who takes part in a jehad, also JEHADI, JIHADI, JEHADIST.
LITHOIDALlithoidal adj. Alternative form of lithoid.
LITHOIDAL adj. like stone, also LITHOID.
RHIPIDATErhipidate adj. Fan-shaped.
RHIPIDATE adj. fan-shaped.
STICHIDIAstichidia n. Plural of stichidium.
STICHIDIUM n. a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds.
TACHINIDStachinids n. Plural of tachinid.
TACHINID n. any dipterous bristly fly of the family Tachinidae.
THIAZIDESthiazides n. Plural of thiazide.
THIAZIDE n. a drug used to treat high blood pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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