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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, D, G, M and 2N

BEDAMNINGbedamning v. Present participle of bedamn.
BEDAMN v. to swear at.
DAMNINGLYdamningly adv. In a damning manner, or to an extent that is damning.
DAMNING adv. DAMN, to curse.
DAMPENINGdampening v. Present participle of dampen.
dampening n. The act of making or becoming damp.
DAMPEN v. to moisten.
DEMANDINGdemanding adj. Requiring much endurance, strength, or patience.
demanding v. Present participle of demand.
DEMAND v. to ask for with authority.
DEMANNINGdemanning v. Present participle of deman.
DEMANNING n. the deliberate reduction of the number of employees in a particular industry, etc.
DEMEANINGdemeaning v. Present participle of demean.
demeaning adj. Degrading; that degrades.
DEMEAN v. to conduct oneself in a particular manner.
GROUNDMANgroundman n. Alternative form of groundsman.
groundman n. Alternative form of ground man.
ground-man n. Alternative form of groundsman.
MADDENINGmaddening adj. Causing frustration or anger.
maddening adj. Leading to insanity.
maddening v. Present participle of madden.
MANDATINGmandating v. Present participle of mandate.
MANDATE v. to issue with a mandate.
MANRIDINGMANRIDING adj. used of equipment on oil rigs that is for use of personnel rather than for carrying material.
REMANDINGremanding v. Present participle of remand.
REMAND v. to send back.
UNDAMMINGundamming v. Present participle of undam.
UNDAM v. to free water from a dam.
UNMANAGEDunmanaged adj. Not managed.
UNMANAGED adj. not managed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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