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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, 2I and U

ALUMINIDEaluminide n. (Chemistry) Any intermetallic compound of aluminium and a more electropositive element.
ALUMINIDE n. a compound that has aluminium with more electropositive elements.
AUDIENCIAaudiencia n. (Historical) An appellate court of the Spanish empire.
AUDIENCIA n. (Spanish) a court of government or justice in the Spanish American empire.
AUDITIVESAUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
BIGUANIDEbiguanide n. (Organic chemistry) The compound imidodicarbonimidic diamide derived from guanidine.
biguanide n. Any of a class of antihyperglycemic and antimalarial drugs based upon this compound.
BIGUANIDE n. one of a group of drugs used in the late onset of diabetes.
DIAZEUXISDIAZEUXIS n. in Greek music, the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone.
DUALITIESdualities n. Plural of duality.
DUALITY n. the state of being twofold.
EUCLIDIANEuclidian adj. Alternative spelling of Euclidean.
EUCLIDIAN adj. related to Euclid, or to the geometry of Euclid, also EUCLIDEAN.
GUANIDINEguanidine n. (Organic chemistry) A strong base HN=C(NH2)2 obtained by the oxidation of guanine.
GUANIDINE n. a strongly basic compound used in organic synthesis, also GUANIDIN.
INAUDIBLEinaudible adj. Unable to be heard or not loud enough to be heard.
INAUDIBLE adj. that cannot be heard.
INDUSIATEindusiate adj. (Botany) Furnished with an indusium.
INDUSIATE adj. having an indusium, a protective covering.
INDUVIATEinduviate adj. (Botany) Covered with induviae.
INDUVIATE adj. covered with induviae, as the upper part of the trunk of a palm tree.
LIQUIDATEliquidate v. (Transitive) To settle (a debt) by paying the outstanding amount.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To settle the affairs of (a company), by using its assets to pay its debts.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To convert (assets) into cash; to redeem.
PAIDEUTICpaideutic adj. Relating to paideutics.
PAIDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAEDEUTIC.
QUALIFIEDqualified adj. Meeting the standards, requirements, and training for a position.
qualified adj. Restricted or limited by conditions.
qualified v. Simple past tense and past participle of qualify.
QUALITIEDqualitied adj. (Now rare) Endowed with (usually specified) qualities; especially, having good qualities.
QUALITIED adj. endowed with a quality or qualities.
UREDINIALuredinial adj. Relating to the uredinium.
UREDINIAL adj. of or like uredines, rust-fungi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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