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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, F and 2N

DEAFENINGdeafening adj. Loud enough to cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
deafening adj. (Hyperbolic) Very loud.
deafening v. Present participle of deafen.
DEFANGINGdefanging v. Present participle of defang.
DEFANG v. to remove the fangs from.
DEFENDANTdefendant adj. Serving, or suitable, for defense; defensive, defending.
defendant n. (Law) In civil proceedings, the party responding to the complaint; one who is sued and called upon to…
defendant n. (Law) In criminal proceedings, the accused.
FANDANGLEfandangle n. A piece of nonsense or foolishness.
fandangle n. A trinket or ornament.
FANDANGLE n. an elaborate ornament.
FARANDINEFARANDINE n. (obsolete) a silk and wool cloth, also FARRANDINE, FERRANDINE.
FLANNELEDflanneled adj. Covered or wrapped in flannel.
FLANNEL v. to cover with a soft fabric.
FUNDAMENTfundament n. Foundation.
fundament n. The bottom; the buttocks or anus.
fundament n. The underlying basis or principle for a theoretical or mathematical system.
NEFANDOUSnefandous adj. (Archaic) Unspeakable, appalling.
NEFANDOUS adj. unspeakable, unmentionable.
NONFEUDALnonfeudal adj. Not feudal.
NONFEUDAL adj. not feudal.
UNDEAFINGundeafing v. Present participle of undeaf.
UNDEAF v. (Shakespeare) to free from deafness.
UNFANCIEDunfancied adj. Not fancied.
UNFANCIED adj. (esp. of a sportsperson, team, etc.) thought unlikely to win or succeed.
UNFRANKEDunfranked adj. Not franked.
UNFRANKED adj. not franked esp. of a postage stamp.
ZINFANDELzinfandel n. A dry red wine of California.
zinfandel n. A small black grape from which zinfandel wine is made.
ZINFANDEL n. a black wine-grape of California; the wine produced from this.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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