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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2E, F and U

DEBATEFULdebateful adj. (Obsolete) Contentious, argumentative, full of strife.
DEBATEFUL adj. (obsolete) quarrelsome.
DEFAULTEDdefaulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of default.
DEFAULT v. to fail to do something required.
DEFAULTERdefaulter n. One who fails to fulfill an obligation or perform a task, especially a legal or financial one.
DEFAULTER n. one who defaults.
DEFEATUREdefeature n. Defeat, overthrow, ruin.
defeature v. (Rare) To deform.
defeature n. Disfigurement, defacement, deformation.
DEFRAUDEDdefrauded v. Simple past tense and past participle of defraud.
DEFRAUD v. to swindle.
DEFRAUDERdefrauder n. One who defrauds.
DEFRAUDER n. one who defrauds.
FECUNDATEfecundate v. To make fertile.
fecundate v. To inseminate.
FECUNDATE v. to make fruitful or prolific.
FEUDALISEfeudalise v. Alternative spelling of feudalize.
FEUDALISE v. to reduce to a feudal tenure, also FEUDALIZE.
FEUDALIZEfeudalize v. To make something feudal.
FEUDALIZE v. to reduce to a feudal tenure, also FEUDALISE.
FEUDARIESfeudaries n. Plural of feudary.
FEUDARY n. a holder of land by feudal tenure for allegiance, also FEODARY.
GAUFFEREDgauffered v. Simple past tense and past participle of gauffer.
GAUFFER v. to press ridges or pleats into, also GOFFER.
PREFEUDALprefeudal adj. Before feudalism.
PREFEUDAL adj. before feudalism.
UNDEFACEDundefaced adj. Not having been defaced.
UNDEFACED adj. not defaced.
UNDERLEAFunderleaf n. A lower leaf on a plant.
underleaf n. (Obsolete) A prolific kind of cider apple.
UNDERLEAF n. in liverworts, any of the leaves forming a row on the underside of the stem.
UNEFFACEDuneffaced adj. Not effaced.
UNEFFACED adj. not effaced.
UNFACETEDunfaceted adj. Not faceted.
UNFACETED adj. not faceted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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