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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2D, O, R and U

ADDUCTORSadductors n. Plural of adductor.
ADDUCTOR n. an adducent muscle, one that draws towards a central axis.
ADJOURNEDadjourned v. Simple past tense and past participle of adjourn.
adjourned adj. (Of a meeting, event or trial) Having been adjourned; suspended or paused.
ADJOURN v. to suspend until a later time.
BODYGUARDbodyguard n. A person or group of persons, often armed, responsible for protecting an individual.
bodyguard v. (Transitive) To act as bodyguard for (someone); figuratively, to protect.
BODYGUARD n. a guard consisting of one person or several people, to give physical protection to someone.
DIANDROUSdiandrous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to the class Diandria; having two stamens.
DIANDROUS adj. having two stamens.
DOCUDRAMAdocudrama n. A type of drama (a film, a television show, or a play) that combines elements of documentary and drama…
docu-drama n. Alternative form of docudrama.
DOCUDRAMA n. a play or film representing real events.
DRAGHOUNDdraghound n. A hunting dog especially trained to be effective in drag hunts, having the highly developed sense of…
drag-hound n. Alternative form of draghound.
drag␣hound n. Alternative form of draghound.
DUCKBOARDduckboard n. One of a long series of boards laid from side to side as a path across wet or muddy ground; normally used in plural.
duckboard n. Wooden, low walkway or short part of a path with one or more planks, logs, or boards laid after each…
duckboard n. A panel of wooden slats typically lain on a concrete floor in a workshop. Compliance of slats arranged…
DUODENARYduodenary adj. Twelvefold.
duodenary adj. Of the twelfth order.
duodenary adj. (Obsolete) Duodecimal.
GUARDDOGSguard-dogs n. Plural of guard-dog.
guard␣dogs n. Plural of guard dog.
GUARDDOG n. a dog trained to guard persons or property.
HARDBOUNDhardbound adj. (Of a book) Having a hardcover; hardback.
HARDBOUND adj. bound in hard covers.
HARDBOUND n. a book bound in hard covers.
OBDURATEDobdurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obdurate.
OBDURATE v. to make obdurate, harden physically.
OUTTRADEDouttraded v. Simple past tense and past participle of outtrade.
OUTTRADE v. to get the better of in a trade.
ROUNDHANDroundhand n. A style of handwriting in which the letters are well rounded and free.
ROUNDHAND n. a style of penmanship in which the letters are well-rounded and free.
SOUNDCARDsoundcard n. Alternative spelling of sound card.
sound␣card n. (Computer hardware) A computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds.
SOUNDCARD n. the card in a computer that produces audio.
UNADORNEDunadorned adj. Having no additional decoration or embellishment; plain and simple.
unadorned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unadorn.
UNADORNED adj. not adorned.
UNBOARDEDunboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unboard.
unboarded adj. Not boarded.
UNBOARDED adj. not boarded.
UNDERLOADunderload n. Insufficient load.
underload v. (Transitive) To load insufficiently.
UNDERLOAD v. to load insufficiently.
UNHOARDEDunhoarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhoard.
UNHOARD v. to take from a hoard.
UPHOARDEDuphoarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of uphoard.
UPHOARD v. to hoard up, also UPHOORD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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