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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2D, 2O and R

AFFOORDEDaffoorded v. Simple past tense and past participle of affoord.
AFFOORD v. (Spenser) to afford.
BODYBOARDbodyboard n. A piece of foam, usually rectangular in shape, upon which one sits or lies when bodyboarding.
bodyboard v. To surf riding a bodyboard.
BODYBOARD v. to ride a surfboard that is shorter and blunter than a standard board, on which the surfer lies rather than stands.
CEDARWOODcedarwood n. The wood of the cedar tree.
CEDARWOOD n. the wood of the cedar.
DEODORANTdeodorant n. Any agent acting to eliminate, reduce, mask, or control odor.
deodorant adj. Acting or including an agent to eliminate, reduce, mask, or control odor.
DEODORANT n. a substance that removes a bad smell.
DOCTORANDdoctorand n. A postgraduate aiming to receive a doctorate; a Ph.D. student.
DOCTORAND n. a candidate for a doctorate.
DOORYARDSdooryards n. Plural of dooryard.
DOORYARD n. a yard in front of a house.
DRAGOONEDdragooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of dragoon.
DRAGOON v. to compel by military bullying; to compel by force.
ELDORADOSELDORADO n. a place of fabulous riches.
GADROONEDgadrooned adj. Adorned with gadroons.
GADROON v. to decorate with moulding bands.
HARDGOODShardgoods n. Durable products manufactured from relatively hard materials, such as cars, TVs, and household appliances.
HARDGOODS n. hardware.
HARDIHOODhardihood n. Unyielding boldness and daring; firmness in doing something that exposes one to difficulty, danger…
hardihood n. Excessive boldness; foolish daring; offensive assurance.
hardihood n. (Of a plant) Ability to withstand extreme conditions, hardiness.
HARDWOODShardwoods n. Plural of hardwood.
HARDWOOD n. the timber of deciduous trees, whose comparatively slow growth produces compact hard wood.
MOLDBOARDmoldboard n. A curved piece of metal on a plow or bulldozer that clears the free dirt from the blade.
moldboard n. (Founding) A follow board.
MOLDBOARD n. a curved plate of iron (originally of wood) back of the share of a plow, which turns over the earth in plowing, also MOULDBOARD.
ONBOARDEDonboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of onboard.
ONBOARD v. to train a new person to do a job.
RADIOGOLDradiogold n. (Medicine) The radioactive isotope of gold, 19879Au, used in medical irradiation and in diagnosis.
RADIOGOLD n. the radioisotope gold-198.
WOODWARDSwoodwards n. Plural of woodward.
WOODWARD n. an officer of the forest, whose duty it was to guard the woods.
WOODYARDSwoodyards n. Plural of woodyard.
Woodyards prop.n. Plural of Woodyard.
WOODYARD n. a yard in which wood is cut and stored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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