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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2D, H, I and R

AIRHEADEDairheaded adj. Silly, foolish.
airheaded adj. Unintelligent.
AIRHEADED adj. like an airhead.
ANHYDRIDEanhydride n. (Chemistry) any compound formally derived from another (or from others) by the loss of a water molecule…
ANHYDRIDE n. a compound derived from an acid by the removal of one or more molecules of water.
ARCHDRUIDarchdruid n. (Celtic paganism) A chief druid.
ARCHDRUID n. a chief or presiding druid.
DICHONDRAdichondra n. Any of the genus Dichondra of prostrate perennial herbaceous plants with creeping stems.
DICHONDRA n. a genus of tropical perennial herbs of the morning glory family.
DIDRACHMAdidrachma n. An Ancient Greek silver coin worth two drachmas.
DIDRACHMA n. (Greek) a two-drachma piece, also DIDRACHM.
DIDRACHMSdidrachms n. Plural of didrachm.
DIDRACHM n. (Greek) a two-drachma piece, also DIDRACHMA.
DIHEDRALSdihedrals n. Plural of dihedral.
DIHEDRAL n. the angle between two planes, also DIEDRAL.
DISHOARDSdishoards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dishoard.
DISHOARD v. to put previously withheld (money) into circulation.
HAGRIDDENhagridden adj. Tormented, harassed or worried.
hagridden adj. Overburdened by fear or dread.
hag-ridden adj. Alternative spelling of hagridden.
HARDIHEADhardihead n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of hardihood.
hardihead n. (Countable) Alternative form of hardyhead (“the fish”).
HARDIHEAD n. (archaic) hardihood, boldness, also HARDIHOOD, HARDIMENT.
HARDIHOODhardihood n. Unyielding boldness and daring; firmness in doing something that exposes one to difficulty, danger…
hardihood n. Excessive boldness; foolish daring; offensive assurance.
hardihood n. (Of a plant) Ability to withstand extreme conditions, hardiness.
HARDWIREDhardwired adj. (Electronics) Designed to perform a specific task.
hardwired adj. (Electronic communications) Of devices, closely or tightly coupled.
hardwired adj. (Computing) Having a fixed placement (On a screen format for example.).
HYDRACIDShydracids n. Plural of hydracid.
HYDRACID n. an oxygenless acid.
HYDRAZIDEhydrazide n. (Chemistry) any compound derived from an oxoacid by replacing the hydroxide group with -NHNH2 or derived…
HYDRAZIDE n. any of a class of compounds resulting from the replacement of hydrogen by an acid group or in one of its derivatives.
RHABDOIDSrhabdoids n. Plural of rhabdoid.
RHABDOID n. a rodlike body.
THIRDHANDthirdhand adj. Having been relayed by two intermediate sources.
thirdhand adj. Having had two previous owners.
thirdhand adv. By two intermediates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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