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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, O, T and 2U

ASTUCIOUSastucious adj. Subtle; cunning; astute.
ASTUCIOUS adj. (Scott) of astute and penetrating discernment.
AUTECIOUSAUTECIOUS adj. of parasites, completing the entire life cycle on a single species of host.
AUTOCUTIEautocutie n. (Informal, derogatory) An attractive television presenter.
AUTOCUTIE n. a young and attractive but inexperienced female televison presenter.
AUTOFOCUSautofocus n. (Electronics, photography) A feature of some cameras and other optical systems that allows a correct…
autofocus v. To focus automatically.
AUTOFOCUS n. a device which automatically focusses a camera.
AUTOICOUSautoicous adj. (Botany) autoecious.
AUTOICOUS adj. having male and female reproductive organs on the same plant.
CAUTELOUScautelous adj. (Obsolete) Skillful in trickery or deception; cunning, wily.
cautelous adj. (Obsolete) Cautious, careful.
CAUTELOUS adj. (obsolete) cautious, prudent.
COMMUTUALcommutual adj. (Obsolete) mutual.
commutual adv. (Obsolete) reciprocally.
COMMUTUAL adj. mutual, reciprocal.
CUTANEOUScutaneous adj. (Anatomy, zoology) Of, relating to, existing on, or affecting the exterior skin, especially the cutis.
CUTANEOUS adj. of or related to the skin.
OUTCAUGHToutcaught v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcatch.
OUTCATCH v. to surpass in catching.
OUTLAUNCEOUTLAUNCE v. (Spenser) to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCH.
OUTLAUNCHoutlaunch v. (Transitive) To launch more spacecraft than.
OUTLAUNCH v. to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCE.
RUTACEOUSrutaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to plants of the family Rutaceae, of which the rue is the type, and which includes…
RUTACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to the rue family.
TUFACEOUStufaceous adj. Of the nature or texture of tufa.
TUFACEOUS adj. consisting of, or resembling, tufa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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