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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, C, O, P, U and Y

AUTOSCOPYautoscopy n. The experience of seeing one’s body from the outside while awake, as if disembodied.
AUTOSCOPY n. a hallucination of an image of one's own body.
AUTOTYPICautotypic adj. Relating to an autotype.
AUTOTYPIC adj. like an autotype, a facsimile.
CULPATORYculpatory adj. Expressing blame; censuring.
CULPATORY adj. expressive of blame.
HYPOCAUSThypocaust n. An underfloor space or flue through which heat from a furnace passes to heat the floor of a room or a bath.
hypocaust n. An underfloor heating system, even without such an underfloor space or flue, as adapted for modern housing.
HYPOCAUST n. an ancient air chamber or series of chambers for heating rooms.
OCCUPANCYoccupancy n. The act of occupying, the state of being occupied or the state of being an occupant or tenant.
occupancy n. The period of time during which someone rents or otherwise occupies certain land or premises.
occupancy n. The specific use to which something occupied is put.
PATCHOULYpatchouly n. Alternative spelling of patchouli.
PATCHOULY n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PACHOULI, PATCHOULI.
PROCURACYprocuracy n. The office of a procurator.
PROCURACY n. the office of a procurator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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