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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, L, 2P and R

APPLECARTapplecart n. A barrow from which apples and other fruit were formerly sold in the street.
applecart n. A planned situation.
apple-cart n. Alternative form of applecart.
CAPTOPRILcaptopril n. (Pharmacology) An ACE inhibitor used to treat hypertension and some types of congestive heart failure.
CAPTOPRIL n. an antihypertensive drug that is an ace inhibitor.
CLAPPEREDclappered v. Simple past tense and past participle of clapper.
CLAPPER v. to make a noise like a clapper.
CLAPTRAPSclaptraps n. Plural of claptrap.
CLAPTRAP n. flashy, empty words.
CRABAPPLEcrabapple n. Any of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit (in comparison…
crabapple n. The fruit of this tree.
crabapple n. An unpleasant person; a person who is crabby.
CRANAPPLEcranapple n. (Attributive) A blend of cranberry and apple.
CRANAPPLE adj. designating a combination of cranberries and apple.
CURLPAPERcurlpaper n. A paper used in curling the hair.
curl-paper n. Alternative spelling of curlpaper.
CURLPAPER n. a strip of paper round which the hair is twisted to give it a curl.
PAPERCLIPpaperclip n. Alternative spelling of paper clip.
paperclip v. To fasten with a paper clip.
paper␣clip n. A small, folded, wire or plastic device used to hold sheets of paper together.
PERICOPALpericopal adj. Of or relating to a pericope.
PERICOPAL adj. relating to a pericope, an excerpt or passage read during religious services, also PERICOPIC.
POLYCARPYPOLYCARPY n. the condition of being able to produce fruit and flowers several times in successive years or seasons.
PREPLACEDpreplaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of preplace.
PREPLACE v. to place beforehand.
PREPLACESpreplaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preplace.
PREPLACE v. to place beforehand.
PRINCIPALprincipal adj. Primary; most important; first level in importance.
principal adj. (Obsolete, Latinism) Of or relating to a prince; princely.
principal adj. (Mathematics) Chosen or assumed among a branch of possible values of a multi-valued function so that…
SCRAPPILYscrappily adv. In a scrappy manner.
SCRAPPY adv. fragmentary.
SCRAPPLESscrapples n. Plural of scrapple.
SCRAPPLE n. a mixture of ground meat and cornmeal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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