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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, L, M, P and T

CAMPSTOOLcampstool n. A portable folding stool.
camp␣stool n. A lightweight, folding chair designed to be used when camping.
CAMPSTOOL n. a small canvas stool for outdoor use.
CAPITULUMcapitulum n. (Botany) A densely clustered inflorescence composed of a large number of individual florets arising…
capitulum n. (Arachnology) The head-like mouthpart apparatus of a tick, including the palpi, mandibles, and hypostome.
capitulum n. (Anatomy) A small protuberance on a bone which articulates into another bone to form a ball-and-socket joint.
CATAPLASMcataplasm n. (Medicine) A poultice or plaster, spread over one’s skin as medical treatment.
CATAPLASM n. a plaster or poultice.
COMPACTLYcompactly adv. In a compact manner.
COMPACT adv. closely fitted together.
COMPLAINTcomplaint n. The act of complaining.
complaint n. A grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern.
complaint n. (Law) In a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim…
COMPLEATScompleats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compleat.
COMPLEAT v. (archaic) to complete.
COMPLIANTcompliant adj. Willing to comply; submissive; willing to do what someone wants.
compliant adj. Compatible with or following guidelines, specifications, rules, or laws.
COMPLIANT adj. yielding.
COMPTABLECOMPTABLE adj. (obsolete) countable, also COMPTIBLE, COUNTABLE.
CYTOPLASMcytoplasm n. (Cytology) The contents of a cell except for the nucleus. It includes cytosol, organelles, vesicles…
CYTOPLASM n. the protoplasm of a cell surrounding the nucleus.
ECLAMPTICeclamptic adj. Of or pertaining to eclampsia.
eclamptic n. One who suffers from eclampsia.
ECLAMPTIC adj. relating to eclampsia, a symptom of epilepsy.
ECTOPLASMectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) A visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during…
ectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence…
ectoplasm n. (Cytology) The outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm.
EMPLASTICemplastic adj. Viscous, glutinous, adhesive.
emplastic n. A drug causing constipation.
EMPLASTIC adj. glutinous, adhesive.
IMPACTFULimpactful adj. Having impact.
IMPACTFUL adj. full of impact.
IMPLICATEimplicate v. (Transitive, with “in”) To show to be connected or involved in an unfavorable or criminal way.
implicate v. (Transitive, nonstandard) To imply, to have as a necessary consequence or accompaniment.
implicate v. (Pragmatics) To imply without entailing; to have as an implicature.
LYMPHATIClymphatic adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to lymph or the lymphatic system.
lymphatic adj. Lacking energy or enthusiasm; having characteristics once associated with an excess of lymph: lack of…
lymphatic adj. (Obsolete) Madly enthusiastic; frantic.
MATCHPLAYmatchplay n. Alternative form of match play.
match␣play n. (Golf) A scoring system in which points are awarded for each hole won, as opposed to stroke play.
match␣play n. (Bowling) A knockout competition between two single bowlers.
MULTIPACKmultipack n. A form of packaging containing multiple individual packages of a single product.
MULTIPACK n. a pack containing several of a given item, usually at a reduced price.
PLACEMATSplacemats n. Plural of placemat.
place␣mats n. Plural of place mat.
PLACEMAT n. a table mat on which a place setting is laid.
PLACEMENTplacement n. The act of placing or putting in place; the act of locating or positioning; the state of being placed.
placement n. A location or position.
placement n. The act of matching a person with a job.
PLASMATICplasmatic adj. Of or pertaining to (blood) plasma.
plasmatic adj. Of or pertaining to protoplasm.
plasmatic adj. Of or pertaining to plasma (partially ionized gas and electrons).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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