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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2L, T and U

CALCULATEcalculate v. (Transitive, mathematics) To determine the value of something or the solution to something by a mathematical process.
calculate v. (Intransitive, mathematics) To determine values or solutions by a mathematical process; reckon.
calculate v. (Intransitive, US, dialect) To plan; to expect; to think.
CASTELLUMcastellum n. (Historical) A small Roman detached fort or fortlet used as a watch tower or signal station.
CASTELLUM n. (Latin) a small Roman fort, a mile-castle.
CLAUSTRALclaustral adj. Of or pertaining to a cloister.
claustral adj. Having cloisters; cloistered.
claustral adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the claustrum of the brain.
CLAVULATEclavulate adj. Alternative form of clavate.
CLAVULATE adj. club-shaped, also CLAVATE, CLAVATED.
CUCULLATEcucullate adj. Cucullated.
CUCULLATE adj. hooded; hood-shaped, also CUCULLATED.
FACTUALLYfactually adv. In a factual manner.
FACTUAL adv. actual, real.
FALCULATEfalculate adj. (Zoology) Curved and sharp-pointed, like a falcula.
FALCULATE adj. curved and sharp-pointed, like a falcula, or claw of a falcon.
LACTULOSElactulose n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A synthetic disaccharide C12H22O11 consisting of galactose and fructose…
LACTULOSE n. a synthetic sugar with laxative properties.
LOCULATEDloculated adj. Locular.
LOCULATED adj. of e.g. an ovary, divided into compartments by septa, also LOCULAR, LOCULATE.
LUNATICALlunatical adj. (Rare) Lunatic.
LUNATICAL adj. crazy, also LUNATIC.
OUTCALLEDOUTCALL v. to bid higher than in a card game.
SCUTELLARscutellar adj. Relating to the scutellum.
scutellar n. (Entomology) Short for scutellar bristles.
SCUTELLAR adj. like a scutella, a small scute, a hard exoskeletal plate.
TACTFULLYtactfully adv. In a tactful manner.
TACTFUL adv. having tact.
TACTUALLYtactually adv. In a tactual manner; by, or relating to, the sense of touch.
TACTUAL adv. pertaining to the sense of touch, also TACTILE.
ULTRACOLDultracold adj. (Physics) Of a temperature close to absolute zero, especially one at which quantum-mechanical properties are observed.
ultracold adj. (Informal) Extremely cold; of utmost coldness.
ULTRACOLD adj. very very cold.
ULTRACOOLultracool adj. Extremely cool.
ULTRACOOL adj. very very cool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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