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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2L, M and R

ALLCOMERSallcomers n. Alternative form of all comers.
all-comers n. Alternative form of all comers.
all␣comers n. Everyone who comes to a given event.
ALLOMERICallomeric adj. Relating to allomerism.
ALLOMERIC adj. of similar crystalline structure.
CALLIGRAMcalligram n. A word, phrase or longer text in which the typeface or the layout has some special significance.
calligram n. A signature made from interwoven Arabic words.
CALLIGRAM n. a design using the letters of a word, also CALLIGRAMME.
CAMARILLAcamarilla n. A secret, usually sinister, group of conspiring advisors close to the leadership; a cabal.
CAMARILLA n. (Spanish) a group of unofficial often secret and scheming advisors; a cabal.
CELLARMANcellarman n. A person in charge of the alcoholic drinks (traditionally the wine cellar) in a tavern etc.
CELLARMAN n. a person responsible for a cellar.
CELLARMENcellarmen n. Plural of cellarman.
CELLARMAN n. a person responsible for a cellar.
LACHRYMALlachrymal adj. (Formal, literary) Connected with weeping or tears.
lachrymal adj. (Anatomy) Alternative spelling of lacrimal.
lachrymal n. A lachrymatory (vase intended for collecting tears).
LACRIMALSlacrimals n. Plural of lacrimal.
LACRIMAL n. a gland that produces tears, also LACHRYMAL, LACRYMAL.
LACRYMALSlacrymals n. Plural of lacrymal.
LACRYMAL n. a gland that produces tears, also LACHRYMAL, LACRIMAL.
LUMBRICALlumbrical adj. Worm-like.
lumbrical n. (Anatomy) Any of the four small muscles of the palm of the hand that arise from tendons of the flexor…
lumbrical n. (Anatomy) Any of four small muscles of the foot homologous to the lumbricals of the hand that arise…
MALLCORESMALLCORE n. a form of music that incorporates rap and funk.
MARCELLASMARCELLA n. a cotton, linen, twill weave.
MARCELLEDmarcelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of marcel.
MARCEL v. (French) to make a deep, soft wave in the hair.
MARCELLERMARCELLER n. one who marcels.
MILLOCRATmillocrat n. A member of the millocracy.
MILLOCRAT n. a member of the millocracy, the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
MILLRACESmillraces n. Plural of millrace.
mill-races n. Plural of mill-race.
mill␣races n. Plural of mill race.
MISCALLERmiscaller n. One who calls something by the wrong name.
miscaller n. (Poker) One who makes an incorrect call.
MISCALLER n. one who miscalls.
MOLECULARmolecular adj. (Chemistry) Relating to, or consisting of, or produced by molecules.
molecular adj. (Chemistry) (of an element) Combined with itself and with no other element; elemental.
molecular adj. Relating to a simple or basic structure or organization.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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