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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, S, T and X

ATARAXICSataraxics n. Plural of ataraxic.
ATARAXIC n. a tranquillizing drug.
CATALEXIScatalexis n. A shortened or incomplete last foot at the end of a verse.
catalexis n. Truncation at the close of a line of poetry by omission of one or two final syllables.
CATALEXIS n. the condition of being catalectic, lacking one syllable in the last foot.
CYTOTAXIScytotaxis n. (Biology) The directive influence that determines the arrangement of cells; the selective, ordering…
CYTOTAXIS n. movement of cells due to external stimulus.
DOXASTICSDOXASTICS n. the branch of logic concerned with belief.
EXACTIONSexactions n. Plural of exaction.
EXACTION n. the act of exacting.
EXARCHISTexarchist n. A supporter of the exarch.
EXARCHIST n. a supporter of the Bulgarian exarch.
EXCITANTSexcitants n. Plural of excitant.
EXCITANT n. a stimulant.
EXITANCESexitances n. Plural of exitance.
EXITANCE n. a measure of radiation from a surface.
EXPISCATEexpiscate v. (Transitive, formal, archaic) To fish out; to find out by skill or laborious investigation; to search out.
EXPISCATE v. to learn through laborious investigation; literally, to fish out.
EXSICCANTexsiccant adj. Having the quality of drying up; causing a drying up.
exsiccant n. A medicine that causes drying up.
EXSICCANT n. something having the quality of drying up.
EXSICCATEexsiccate v. (Transitive) To dry, to desiccate, to dehydrate.
EXSICCATE v. to dry up.
HEXASTICHhexastich n. A poem consisting of six verses or lines.
HEXASTICH n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICHON.
MAXICOATSmaxicoats n. Plural of maxicoat.
MAXICOAT n. a long coat.
PISCATRIXpiscatrix n. (Historical) A female fishmonger in ancient times.
piscatrix n. (Humorous) A female angler.
PISCATRIX n. a (female) angler.
TAXIARCHStaxiarchs n. Plural of taxiarch.
TAXIARCH n. an Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
TOXICANTStoxicants n. Plural of toxicant.
TOXICANT n. a poisonous substance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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