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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2I, M and U

ACTINIUMSactiniums n. Plural of actinium.
ACTINIUM n. a radioactive metallic chemical element, atomic number 89, the first element of the actinide series.
AMERICIUMamericium n. The chemical element (symbol Am) with an atomic number of 95.
AMERICIUM n. a white metallic transuranic element of the actinide series.
ANTIMUSICantimusic n. (Music) Any form of music that defies convention to such a degree that some people would not recognise it as musical.
antimusic adj. Opposing music.
ANTIMUSIC n. music intended to overthrow traditional conventions.
BULIMIACSbulimiacs n. Plural of bulimiac.
BULIMIAC n. one suffering from bulimia, also BULIMIC.
CACIQUISMcaciquism n. The political influence of caciques in Latin America.
CACIQUISM n. government by a cacique, a West Indian or American Indian chief.
CURIALISMcurialism n. (Derogatory) The view or doctrine of the ultramontane party in the Latin Church.
CURIALISM n. the system of government of curia.
DIACODIUMdiacodium n. (Medicine, dated) A syrup made from poppies.
DIACODIUM n. (obsolete) a syrup of poppies, also DIACODION.
DICALCIUMdicalcium n. (Chemistry) Two atoms of calcium in a compound.
DICALCIUM adj. as in dicalcium silicate, a calcium silicate that is an essential ingredient of portland cement.
DICHASIUMdichasium n. (Botany) A cymose inflorescence with all branches below the terminal flower in regular opposite pairs.
DICHASIUM n. a cymose inflorescence in which each axis in turn produces a pair of nearly equal branches.
HIERACIUMHieracium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – hawkweed.
HIERACIUM n. any plant of the genus Hieracium, the hawkweeds.
MAIEUTICSmaieutics n. (Uncommon) Synonym of Socratic method.
MAIEUTICS n. the Socratic mode of enquiry, serving to bring out a person's latent ideas into clear consciousness.
MALICIOUSmalicious adj. Intending to do harm; characterized by spite and malice.
MALICIOUS adj. bearing ill-will or spite.
MINACIOUSminacious adj. (Now rare) Synonym of threatening, in its various senses.
MINACIOUS adj. threatening.
MUNICIPALmunicipal adj. Of or pertaining to a municipality (a city or a corporation having the right of administering local government).
municipal adj. Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a nation.
municipal n. (Finance) A financial instrument issued by a municipality.
MUSICIANSmusicians n. Plural of musician.
MUSICIAN n. one who performs or composes music.
QUITCLAIMquitclaim v. (Transitive) To relinquish or release (A claim, title etc.); to transfer (an interest in property).
quitclaim n. A renunciation of claims.
quitclaim n. (Law) A deed that is a renunciation of claims to a parcel of real property and a transfer of one’s claims…
UMBILICALumbilical adj. Of, or relating to, the navel (umbilicus) or the umbilical cord.
umbilical adj. (Mathematics) Such that the curvatures of normal sections are all equal to each other.
umbilical n. (Astronautics) A cord connecting an astronaut to a spacecraft, or a craft to ground control prior to launch, etc.
VACCINIUMvaccinium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Vaccinium of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries…
Vaccinium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ericaceae – shrubs including the cranberry, blueberry, bilberry…
VACCINIUM n. (Latin) a genus of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries and the true cranberries.
VIATICUMSviaticums n. Plural of viaticum.
VIATICUM n. (Latin) an allowance for travelling expenses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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