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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2I, M and P

APOMICTICapomictic adj. (Botany, zoology) Of, pertaining to, or characterised by apomixis.
APOMICTIC adj. relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum, also APOMICTICAL.
CAMPANILIcampanili n. Plural of campanile.
CAMPANILE n. (Italian) a freestanding bell tower on church property.
EMPIRICALempirical adj. Pertaining to or based on experience (often, in contrast with having a basis in theoretical explanation).
empirical adj. Pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations made using the physical senses or using instruments…
empirical adj. (Philosophy of science) Verifiable by means of scientific experimentation.
IMPACTINGimpacting v. Present participle of impact.
IMPACT v. to fix firmly together.
IMPACTIONimpaction n. Compression; the packing together of loose matter.
impaction n. Something packed together tightly; a mass of densely-packed matter.
impaction n. (Medicine) A solid, immobile bulk of stool.
IMPACTITEimpactite n. Any rock created or modified by the impact of a meteorite.
IMPACTITE n. a rock, typically glassy, produced where a meteor has collided with the earth.
IMPACTIVEimpactive adj. Of, pertaining to, possessing, or caused by impact.
IMPACTIVE adj. relating to impact.
IMPLICATEimplicate v. (Transitive, with “in”) To show to be connected or involved in an unfavorable or criminal way.
implicate v. (Transitive, nonstandard) To imply, to have as a necessary consequence or accompaniment.
implicate v. (Pragmatics) To imply without entailing; to have as an implicature.
MICROPSIAmicropsia n. (Pathology) A disorder in which objects appear much smaller than normal, most often the result of a…
MICROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear smaller than normal.
MINICAMPSminicamps n. Plural of minicamp.
MINICAMP n. a brief training camp for football players.
MUNICIPALmunicipal adj. Of or pertaining to a municipality (a city or a corporation having the right of administering local government).
municipal adj. Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a nation.
municipal n. (Finance) A financial instrument issued by a municipality.
PACIFISMSpacifisms n. Plural of pacifism.
PACIFISM n. opposition to war or violence, also PACIFICISM.
PANMICTICpanmictic adj. Of, or pertaining to panmixia.
PANMICTIC adj. connected with or exhibiting panmixia, cessation of the influence of natural selection.
PRIMACIESprimacies n. Plural of primacy.
PRIMACY n. the state of being first.
PRISMATICprismatic adj. Of or pertaining to a prism; having the form of a prism; containing one or more prisms.
prismatic adj. Separated or distributed by, or as if by, a transparent prism; formed by a prism; varied or brilliant in color.
PRISMATIC adj. of, resembling or produced by prisms, also PRISMATICAL.
PSAMMITICpsammitic adj. Of or relating to psammite.
PSAMMITIC adj. of or like psammite, any rock composed of sand-grains.
PTOMAINICPTOMAINIC adj. of or like ptomaine, a poisonous alkaloid found in decaying matter.
PYRAMIDICpyramidic adj. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; having the form or imposing presence of a pyramid; pyramidal.
PYRAMIDIC adj. of or like a pyramid, also PYRAMIDICAL.
SIMPATICOsimpatico adj. (Of a person) Having a compatible temperament or pleasing qualities.
simpatico adj. Compatible (with a person, thing, etc).
SIMPATICO adj. (Italian) of like mind, compatible, also SYMPATICO.
SIMPLICIAsimplicia n. Plural of simplex.
SIMPLEX n. (Latin) a geometrical term, a figure with a minimum number of vertices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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