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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, O, T and W

CATCHWORDcatchword n. (Printing, historical) A word under the right-hand side of the last line on a book page that repeats…
catchword n. (Theater) The last word of a speech, serving as a cue for the next speaker.
catchword n. A word or expression repeated until it becomes representative of a party, school, business, or point of view.
DOOMWATCHdoomwatch n. (Chiefly attributive) A pessimistic outlook on the future.
DOOMWATCH v. to keep an eye on the state of the environment.
FLOWCHARTflowchart n. Alternative spelling of flow chart.
flow␣chart n. A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
MATCHWOODmatchwood n. Wood, often in the form of splinters, suitable for making matches.
MATCHWOOD n. wood suitable for making matches; splinters or fragments.
OVERWATCHoverwatch v. (Transitive) To watch over.
overwatch v. (Transitive) To watch excessively.
overwatch v. (Transitive, obsolete) To overcome with long lack of rest.
PATCHWORKpatchwork n. A work, such as a blanket, composed of many different colors and shapes, sewn together to make an interesting whole.
patchwork n. (Figurative) Any kind of creation that utilizes many different aspects to create one whole piece.
patchwork n. (Derogatory) A state of regulations whose constituents have an opaque scope of application because of…
SHACKTOWNshacktown n. A settlement made up of shacks; a shanty town.
SHACKTOWN n. (Canadian) a community or section of a community composed of shacks or other temporary housing.
STOPWATCHstopwatch n. A timepiece designed to measure the amount of time elapsed between a particular time when activated…
STOPWATCH n. an accurate watch readily started and stopped, used in timing a race, etc.
THROWBACKthrowback n. A reversion to an earlier stage of development.
throwback n. (Derogatory) A person considered to be primitive, uncivilized and mentally deficient.
throwback n. An organism that has characteristics of a more primitive form.
WASHCLOTHwashcloth n. A small cloth used to wash the face and body.
WASHCLOTH n. a piece of cloth used in washing, a dishcloth.
WATCHDOGSwatchdogs n. Plural of watchdog.
watchdogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of watchdog.
WATCHDOG v. to act as a watchdog for.
WATCHOUTSwatchouts n. Plural of watchout.
WATCHOUT n. the act of keeping a look out for something.
WATCHWORDwatchword n. A word used as a motto, as expressive of a principle, belief, or rule of action; a rallying cry.
watchword n. (Military, security) A prearranged reply to the challenge of a sentry or a guard; a password or signal…
WATCHWORD n. the password to be given to a watch or sentry.
WAXCLOTHSwaxcloths n. Plural of waxcloth.
WAXCLOTH n. oilcloth, linoleum.
WHITECOATwhitecoat n. A new-born baby harp or grey seal before its fur becomes grey, normally around 12 days old.
whitecoat n. (Derogatory) A laboratory scientist.
white␣coat n. A white, knee-length coat worn by laboratory workers etc as protection.
WOODCHATSwoodchats n. Plural of woodchat.
WOODCHAT n. a species of shrike, with black-and-white plumage but a red-brown crown, also WOODSHRIKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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