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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, 2N and P

CHINCAPINchincapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINCAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINKAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
CHINKAPINchinkapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINKAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINCAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
PANCHEONSpancheons n. Plural of pancheon.
PANCHEON n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHION, PUNCHEON.
PANCHIONSpanchions n. Plural of panchion.
PANCHION n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHEON, PUNCHEON.
PAUNCHINGpaunching v. Present participle of paunch.
PAUNCH v. to disembowel.
PENCHANTSpenchants n. Plural of penchant.
PENCHANT n. (French) a strong liking for something.
PLANCHINGplanching n. The laying of floors in a building.
planching n. A floor of boards or planks.
PLANCH v. to floor, board.
SNAPHANCEsnaphance n. A spring lock for discharging a firearm.
snaphance n. The firearm to which it is attached.
snaphance n. (Obsolete) A trifling or second-rate thing or person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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