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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, M, N and U

ACHAENIUMachaenium n. Alternative form of achenium.
ACHAENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHENE, ACHENIUM, AKENE.
ACHENIUMSacheniums n. Plural of achenium.
ACHENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHAENIUM, ACHENE, AKENE.
CHURCHMANchurchman n. (Obsolete) A churchwarden.
churchman n. A person (originally a man) of authority in a religious organization; a cleric.
churchman n. A member or adherent of an established church, especially the Church of England.
HUMECTANThumectant n. Any substance that promotes the retention of water, especially one used to keep a food product moist.
HUMECTANT adj. absorbing moisture.
HUMECTANT n. a substance that absorbs moisture.
LUNCHMEATlunchmeat n. Alternative spelling of lunch meat.
lunch␣meat n. Any processed, prepackaged molded meat served sliced for consumption in sandwiches or salads.
LUNCHMEAT n. a mixture of meat and cereal.
MUMCHANCEmumchance adj. Mute, or not speaking; silent.
mumchance n. An old game of chance played with cards in silence.
mumchance n. A silent, stupid person.
MUNCHABLEmunchable adj. Capable of being munched; edible; snackable.
munchable n. (Informal) Anything edible; a snack.
MUNCHABLE adj. that can be munched.
NAMAYCUSHnamaycush n. (Canada, US) The togue: a large North American lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, usually spotted with red.
NAMAYCUSH n. (Native American) a freshwater char living mainly in lakes in northern North America, aka tuladi or togue.
NAUMACHIAnaumachia n. (Historical, nautical, in Ancient Rome) The recreation of a sea battle staged for entertainment.
naumachia n. (Historical) The location where such recreated sea battles took place; a building featuring an artificial…
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
TRUCHMANSTRUCHMAN n. an interpreter.
UNCHARMEDuncharmed adj. Not charmed.
uncharmed adj. (Physics) Having no charm quark.
UNCHARM v. to free from a spell.
UNMATCHEDunmatched adj. (Of a pair of things) not matched; odd.
unmatched adj. (Of a single thing) not matched with anything else.
unmatched adj. Peerless; unrivalled; beyond comparison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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