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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, L, N and P

ACALEPHANacalephan n. An acaleph.
ACALEPHAN n. any cnidarian (a jellyfish), also ACALEPH, ACALEPHE.
CEPHALINScephalins n. Plural of cephalin.
CEPHALIN n. a compound of phosphorus found in the brain and nervous tissue, also KEPHALIN.
CHAPLAINSchaplains n. Plural of chaplain.
Chaplains prop.n. Plural of Chaplain.
CHAPLAIN n. a Christian clergyman attached to an institution, establishment, organization or family.
CLANSHIPSclanships n. Plural of clanship.
CLANSHIP n. a feeling of loyalty to a clan.
ENCEPHALAencephala n. Plural of encephalon.
encephala n. Plural of encephalum.
Encephala prop.n. (Archaic) A non-taxonomic, informal classification, within phylum Mollusca - those in the classes having…
HALFPENCEhalfpence n. Plural of halfpenny.
halfpence n. A halfpenny.
half-pence n. Obsolete form of halfpence; obsolete plural of halfpenny.
HANDCLAPShandclaps n. Plural of handclap.
HANDCLAP n. a sound made by striking the hands together.
HANDCLASPhandclasp n. A handshake.
HANDCLASP n. a handshake.
HAPLONTIChaplontic adj. (Biology) Describing an organism that is haploid for most of its life cycle but that briefly has a diploid zygote.
HAPLONTIC adj. of or like a haplont, an organism having a particular chromosomal structure.
LAUNCHPADlaunchpad n. Alternative form of launch pad.
launch␣pad n. The surface or structure from which a launch is made.
launch␣pad n. (Figuratively) A starting point.
LUNCHPAILlunchpail n. Alternative spelling of lunch pail.
lunch␣pail n. (US) A lunchbox (food container) shaped more or less like a bucket with a handle.
LUNCHPAIL n. a container for lunch.
NYMPHICALnymphical adj. Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs.
NYMPHICAL adj. of or pertaining to nymphs, also NYMPHIC.
PHLYCTENAphlyctena n. A small vesicle.
PHLYCTENA n. (Greek) a small blister or vesicle, also PHLYCTAENA.
PLANCHETSplanchets n. Plural of planchet.
PLANCHET n. a blank metal disc to be stamped as a coin.
PLANCHINGplanching n. The laying of floors in a building.
planching n. A floor of boards or planks.
PLANCH v. to floor, board.
PLEACHINGpleaching n. Gerund of pleach: an act of entwining or interweaving.
pleaching n. (Horticulture) A technique of interweaving living and dead branches through a hedge for stock control; plashing.
pleaching v. Present participle of pleach.
PRELAUNCHprelaunch adj. Preparatory to launch.
pre-launch adj. Alternative form of prelaunch.
PRELAUNCH adj. preceding a launch.
PUNCHBALLpunchball n. A simplified version of the sport of baseball, where players use their fists as a bat and a softer ball.
punchball n. The soft ball used in this sport.
PUNCHBALL n. a suspended ball used for boxing practice.
SPLEUCHANspleuchan n. (Scotland) A pouch, as for tobacco or money.
SPLEUCHAN n. (Gaelic) a pouch, as for tobacco.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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