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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2H, I and R

ARHYTHMICarhythmic adj. Having no rhythm.
ARHYTHMIC adj. with an irregular rhythm, also ARRHYTHMIC, ARYTHMIC.
CHILIARCHchiliarch n. (Historical) A commander of a thousand troops in Hellenistic Greece.
CHILIARCH n. (Greek) the commander or chief of a thousand men.
HACHURINGhachuring v. Present participle of hachure.
HACHURE v. (French) to make a hatching on a map.
HAGIARCHYhagiarchy n. A sacred government run by holy people.
HAGIARCHY n. government by holy persons, also HAGIOCRACY.
HAIRCLOTHhaircloth n. Cloth made of the mane or tail hairs of a horse.
HAIRCLOTH n. stuff or cloth made wholly or in part of hair.
HEADCHAIRheadchair n. (Railways) Part of a block switch on a railway line that the ends of the moveable rails rest on, and…
HEADCHAIR n. a high-backed chair with a headrest.
HIERARCHShierarchs n. Plural of hierarch.
HIERARCH n. a high-ranking person esp. an ecclesiastical ruler or potentate.
HIERARCHYhierarchy n. A body of authoritative officials organized in nested ranks.
hierarchy n. A social, religious, economic or political system or organization in which people or groups of people…
hierarchy n. Any group of objects ranked so that every one but the topmost is subordinate to a specified one above it.
HIGHCHAIRhighchair n. An elevated chair, often including a built-in tray, used for feeding babies and toddlers.
high␣chair n. Alternative form of highchair.
HIGHCHAIR n. a chair for a child to sit at table.
HIPPARCHShipparchs n. Plural of hipparch.
HIPPARCH n. (Greek) a cavalry commander in ancient Greece.
KACHAHRISkachahris n. Plural of kachahri.
KACHAHRI n. (Hindi) an Indian magistrate's office or courthouse, also CUTCHERRY, CUTCHERY, KACHERI.
PUSHCHAIRpushchair n. (Britain, Ireland) A small carriage in which a baby or child is pushed around; a stroller or baby buggy.
PUSHCHAIR n. a chair on wheels for transporting a small child.
RHACHIDESrhachides n. Plural of rhachis.
RHACHIS n. (Greek) the spinal column, also RACHIS.
RHACHILLArhachilla n. Alternative form of rachilla.
RHACHILLA n. (Greek) the axis of a grass spikelet, also RACHILLA.
RHACHISESrhachises n. Plural of rhachis.
RHACHIS n. (Greek) the spinal column, also RACHIS.
RHACHITISrhachitis n. (Pathology) Alternative spelling of rachitis.
RHACHITIS n. inflammation of the spine; rickets, also RACHITIS.
RHONCHIALrhonchial adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a rhonchus; produced by rhonchi.
RHONCHIAL adj. of or relating to snoring, also RHONCHAL.
THATCHIERTHATCHY adj. resembling thatch.
THEARCHICthearchic adj. Divinely sovereign or supreme.
THEARCHIC adj. divinely sovereign or supreme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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