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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, G, I, M and P

CAMPAIGNScampaigns n. Plural of campaign.
campaigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of campaign.
CAMPAIGN v. to conduct an operation to achieve a certain goal.
CAMPUSINGcampusing v. Present participle of campus.
CAMPUS v. (Latin) to restrict a student to the school ground.
CHAMPAIGNchampaign n. (Geography, archaic) Open countryside, or an area of open countryside.
champaign n. (Obsolete) A battlefield.
champaign adj. Pertaining to open countryside; unforested, flat.
CLAMPINGSclampings n. Plural of clamping.
CLAMPING n. the act of applying a clamp.
COMPANINGcompaning v. Present participle of compane.
COMPANING adj. (Spenser) accompanying.
COMPARINGcomparing v. Present participle of compare.
COMPARE v. to scrutinise for similarities.
DECAMPINGdecamping v. Present participle of decamp.
DECAMP v. to depart from a camping ground.
EMPLACINGemplacing v. Present participle of emplace.
EMPLACE v. to put in position.
ENCAMPINGencamping v. Present participle of encamp.
ENCAMP v. to set up a camp.
GRAPHEMICgraphemic adj. Of or pertaining to graphemes or their study.
graphemic adj. Being or that is a grapheme; being or that is an irreducibly meaningful unit of written language.
GRAPHEMIC adj. of or like a grapheme, a letter of the alphabet.
IMPACTINGimpacting v. Present participle of impact.
IMPACT v. to fix firmly together.
MEGALOPICmegalopic adj. Having, or resembling large eyes.
megalopic adj. Relating to megalopses.
MEGALOPIC adj. having large eyes.
MYSPACINGmyspacing v. Present participle of myspace.
MYSPACE v. to search for a person's space on the MySpace website.
OMOPHAGIComophagic adj. Eating raw flesh; using uncooked meat as food.
OMOPHAGIC adj. relating to omophagia, the eating of raw flesh.
PICOGRAMSpicograms n. Plural of picogram.
PICOGRAM n. a millionth of a millionth of a gram.
PICTOGRAMpictogram n. A picture that represents a word or an idea by illustration.
PICTOGRAM n. a pictograph; a graphical representation.
POLYGAMICpolygamic adj. Polygamous.
POLYGAMIC adj. of or like a polygam, a flower having male, female and hermaphrodite flowers.
POROGAMICporogamic adj. (Botany) Exhibiting or relating to porogamy.
POROGAMIC adj. relating to porogamy, the fertilization of seed plants by the entry of a pollen-tube through the micropyle.
PRAGMATICpragmatic adj. Practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory.
pragmatic adj. Philosophical; dealing with causes, reasons, and effects, rather than with details and circumstances;…
pragmatic adj. Interfering in the affairs of others; officious; meddlesome.
SCAMPINGSSCAMPING n. work done without thoroughness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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