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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, C, G, H, R and T

FRATCHINGfratching v. Present participle of fratch.
FRATCHING adj. quarrelsome, also FRATCHETY, FRATCHY.
GATECRASHgatecrash v. To attend a social event without having been invited, or without having paid.
gatecrash n. An instance of gatecrashing a party, event, etc.
gatecrash n. (Asian English) Part of a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony in which the groom and his groomsmen…
GRAPHITICgraphitic adj. Of, relating to, resembling, or having the structure of graphite.
GRAPHITIC adj. pertaining to graphite.
HECTOGRAMhectogram n. (Metrology) An SI unit of mass equal to 102 grams. Symbol: hg.
HECTOGRAM n. a measure of weight, containing a hundred grams, also HECTOGRAMME, HEKTOGRAM.
LETHARGIClethargic adj. Sluggish, slow.
lethargic adj. Indifferent, apathetic.
LETHARGIC adj. showing lethargy, also LETHARGICAL.
OUTCHARGEoutcharge v. (Transitive, sports) To surpass in charging, or moving forcefully forward.
OUTCHARGE v. to surpass in charging.
RACHETINGRACHET v. to move by a rachet mechanism, also RATCHET.
ROUGHCASTroughcast n. A crude model.
roughcast n. A rough surface finish, as of a plaster or stucco wall.
roughcast n. A mixture of pebbles or similar material used to finish a plaster or concrete wall.
STARCHINGstarching v. Present participle of starch.
STARCH v. to stiffen a fabric.
TACHOGRAMtachogram n. A graphical record of the movement and velocity of the bloodstream, made by a tachometer.
TACHOGRAM n. a record made by a tachograph, an instrument for recording speed of rotation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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