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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, O, S and U

AUTOFOCUSautofocus n. (Electronics, photography) A feature of some cameras and other optical systems that allows a correct…
autofocus v. To focus automatically.
AUTOFOCUS n. a device which automatically focusses a camera.
CLAFOUTISclafoutis n. A French dessert made by baking fresh fruit (traditionally cherries) with a batter.
CLAFOUTIS n. (French) a French baked pudding, also CLAFOUTI.
FABACEOUSfabaceous adj. Having the nature of a bean; like a bean.
FABACEOUS adj. beanlike.
FACETIOUSfacetious adj. Treating serious issues with (often deliberately) inappropriate humour; flippant.
facetious adj. Pleasantly humorous; jocular.
facetious adj. Of an idea or statement, humorously silly or counterproductive for the purpose of sarcastically advocating…
FACTOTUMSfactotums n. Plural of factotum.
FACTOTUM n. (Latin) a person employed to do many kinds of work.
FAGACEOUSfagaceous adj. (Botany) Of the family Fagaceae of beeches and similar trees.
FAGACEOUS adj. belonging to the beech family of trees.
FAUCHIONSfauchions n. Plural of fauchion.
FAUCHION n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHON, FAULCHION.
FERACIOUSferacious adj. Producing in abundance; fertile, fruitful.
FERACIOUS adj. prolific, fruitful.
FILACEOUSfilaceous adj. Composed of threads, filamentous, stringy.
FILACEOUS adj. composed of threads.
FLOSCULARfloscular adj. Flosculous.
FLOSCULAR adj. composed of floscules, florets, also FLOSCULOUS.
FOCUSABLEfocusable adj. Capable of being focused.
focusable adj. (Graphical user interface) Able to receive the input focus.
FOCUSABLE adj. able to be focused.
FORASMUCHforasmuch adv. Inasmuch, seeing (that).
forasmuch adv. (Obsolete) So far as; with regard to so much as.
FORASMUCH conj. because or since.
FRACTIOUSfractious adj. Given to troublemaking.
fractious adj. Irritable; argumentative; quarrelsome.
FRACTIOUS adj. troublesome, irritable.
FUGACIOUSfugacious adj. Fleeting, fading quickly, transient.
FUGACIOUS adj. lasting a short time, evanescent.
FURACIOUSfuracious adj. (Obsolete) Given to theft; thievish.
FURACIOUS adj. (obsolete) given to thieving; thievish.
OBFUSCATEobfuscate v. To make dark; to overshadow.
obfuscate v. To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth.
obfuscate v. (Computing) To alter code while preserving its behavior but concealing its structure and intent.
SCROFULASscrofulas n. Plural of scrofula.
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
SUFFOCATEsuffocate v. (Ergative) To suffer, or cause someone to suffer, from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative) To die due to, or kill someone by means of, insufficient oxygen supply to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative, figuratively) To overwhelm, or be overwhelmed (by a person or issue), as though with oxygen deprivation.
TUFACEOUStufaceous adj. Of the nature or texture of tufa.
TUFACEOUS adj. consisting of, or resembling, tufa.
VOUCHSAFEvouchsafe v. To graciously give, to condescendingly grant a right, benefit, outcome, etc.; to deign to acknowledge.
vouchsafe v. To receive or accept in condescension.
vouchsafe v. To disclose or divulge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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