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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, I, T and U

BIFURCATEbifurcate adj. Divided or forked into two; bifurcated.
bifurcate adj. Having bifurcations.
bifurcate v. (Intransitive) To divide or fork into two channels or branches.
CANEFRUITcanefruit n. Fruit grown on canes, such as raspberries and blackberries.
CANEFRUIT n. fruit borne upon canes, such as raspberries.
CLAFOUTISclafoutis n. A French dessert made by baking fresh fruit (traditionally cherries) with a batter.
CLAFOUTIS n. (French) a French baked pudding, also CLAFOUTI.
FACETIOUSfacetious adj. Treating serious issues with (often deliberately) inappropriate humour; flippant.
facetious adj. Pleasantly humorous; jocular.
facetious adj. Of an idea or statement, humorously silly or counterproductive for the purpose of sarcastically advocating…
FACULTIESfaculties n. Plural of faculty.
FACULTY n. an inherent power or ability.
FACUNDITYfacundity n. (Archaic) eloquence; readiness of speech.
FACUNDITY n. eloquence.
FAITHCUREfaithcure n. Alternative form of faith-cure.
faith-cure n. The act or process of curing disease by calling on the faith and expectations of the patient, without…
FAITHCURE n. a cure or healing through prayer or faith in God.
FAUNISTICfaunistic adj. (Biology) Relating to the distribution of animals.
FAUNISTIC adj. relating to fauna.
FLUVIATICfluviatic adj. Belonging to rivers or streams; fluviatile.
FLUVIATIC adj. belonging to or formed by rivers or streams, also FLUVIATILE.
FRACTIOUSfractious adj. Given to troublemaking.
fractious adj. Irritable; argumentative; quarrelsome.
FRACTIOUS adj. troublesome, irritable.
FRUITCAKEfruitcake n. A cake containing dried fruits and, optionally, nuts, citrus peel and spice.
fruitcake n. (Colloquial, derogatory) A crazy or eccentric person.
fruitcake n. (US, slang, colloquial, derogatory, dated) A homosexual male.
FURCATINGfurcating v. Present participle of furcate.
FURCATE v. to divide into branches.
FURCATIONfurcation n. The act or process of furcating; a forking or branching out.
FURCATION n. a branching like a fork.
IMPACTFULimpactful adj. Having impact.
IMPACTFUL adj. full of impact.
INFUSCATEinfuscate v. (Transitive) To darken; to make black or obscure.
infuscate adj. Clouded with brown.
INFUSCATE adj. clouded or tinged with brown, esp. of insects' wings, also INFUSCATED.
JACKFRUITjackfruit n. A tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus, of the Moraceae family, which produces edible fruit.
jackfruit n. The large fruit from this tree.
jack-fruit n. Alternative spelling of jackfruit.
OUTFACINGoutfacing v. Present participle of outface.
OUTFACE v. to confront unflinchingly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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