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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, I, L and P

BACKFLIPSbackflips n. Plural of backflip.
BACKFLIP v. to perform a backward somersault.
CAPRIFOILcaprifoil n. (Obsolete) A plant of the family Caprifoliaceae; honeysuckle.
CAPRIFOIL n. (Spenser) honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOLE.
CAPRIFOLEcaprifole n. (Obsolete) The woodbine or honeysuckle.
CAPRIFOLE n. honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOIL.
FIREPLACEfireplace n. An open hearth for holding a fire at the base of a chimney.
FIREPLACE n. an open recess in a wall of a room, at the base of a chimney, etc., for a fire.
FLATPICKSflatpicks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flatpick.
flat-picks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flat-pick.
FLATPICK v. to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.) by plucking individual strings with a plectrum.
FLIPCHARTflipchart n. Alternative spelling of flip chart.
flip␣chart n. A large pad, usually supported on a stand, used for (typically handwritten) presentations.
FLIPCHART n. a pad, containing large sheets of paper that can be easily turned over, mounted on a stand and used to present reports, data, etc.
FLIPPANCYflippancy n. A disrespectful levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters.
FLIPPANCY n. the state of being flippant.
FLOPTICALfloptical adj. (Computing, data storage) Using a combination of magnetic and optical technology.
floptical n. A floptical disk.
FLOPTICAL n. a type of read-write head using a laser device.
IMPACTFULimpactful adj. Having impact.
IMPACTFUL adj. full of impact.
LAPIDIFIClapidific adj. Forming or converting into stone; petrifying.
LAPIDIFIC adj. (archaic) forming stone.
PACIFICALpacifical adj. Alternative form of pacific.
PACIFICAL adj. pacific, esp. in Letters pacifical, letters recommending the bearer as being one at peace with the church.
PREFACIALprefacial adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the face.
PREFACIAL adj. relating to a preface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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