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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, H, O and R

ARCHFOOLSarchfools n. Plural of archfool.
ARCHFOOL n. a complete fool.
CHAFFRONSchaffrons n. Plural of chaffron.
CHAFFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON, CHANFRON.
CHAMFRONSchamfrons n. Plural of chamfron.
CHAMFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHANFRON.
CHANFRONSchanfrons n. Plural of chanfron.
CHANFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON.
COACHROOFcoachroof n. Alternative spelling of coach roof.
coach␣roof n. The portion of the deck raised to give increased headroom in the cabin.
coach␣roof n. The entire structure, including coamings.
FLOWCHARTflowchart n. Alternative spelling of flow chart.
flow␣chart n. A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
FORASMUCHforasmuch adv. Inasmuch, seeing (that).
forasmuch adv. (Obsolete) So far as; with regard to so much as.
FORASMUCH conj. because or since.
FOREREACHforereach v. (Nautical, intransitive) To shoot ahead, especially when going in stays.
forereach v. (Nautical, transitive) To advance or gain upon; said of a vessel that gains upon another when sailing close-hauled.
FOREREACH v. to glide ahead, esp. when going in stay.
FORETEACHforeteach v. (Transitive) To teach or instruct beforehand.
FORETEACH v. to teach beforehand.
FORTHCAMEforthcame v. Simple past tense of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
FROGMARCHfrogmarch v. To march or force a person forward while holding their arms from behind or the side, as a prisoner.
frogmarch v. (Figurative) To force a person forward against their will.
frogmarch v. (Formerly) To carry a person face-down with one person holding each limb.
HOMECRAFThomecraft n. (Countable) A homemade handicraft.
homecraft n. (Uncountable) The art of homemaking.
HOMECRAFT n. a craft practised at home.
ROCKSHAFTrock␣shaft n. A shaft in a steam engine that oscillates instead of revolving.
ROCKSHAFT n. a shaft that rocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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