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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2T and Y

ACETYLATEacetylate v. (Chemistry) To react with acetic acid or one of its derivatives; to introduce one or more acetyl groups…
ACETYLATE v. to introduce the acetyl radical into (a compound).
ASTROCYTEastrocyte n. (Neurology) A neuroglial cell, in the shape of a star, in the brain.
ASTROCYTE n. a much-branched, star-shaped neuroglia cell.
ATHROCYTEathrocyte n. (Biology) A cell that ingests foreign particles.
ATHROCYTE n. a cell having the ability to move and store foreign matter.
CATHOLYTEcatholyte n. The portion of an electrolyte near a cathode, especially in a cell in which the cathode and anode are…
catholyte n. (Flow batteries) The liquid cathode.
CATHOLYTE n. the part of the electrode that surrounds the cathode in an electrolytic cell, also CATOLYTE.
CATOLYTESCATOLYTE n. the electrolyte near the cathode, also CATHOLYTE.
CATTLEYAScattleyas n. Plural of cattleya.
CATTLEYA n. a tropical orchid.
CERTAINTYcertainty n. The state of being certain.
certainty n. An instance of being certain.
certainty n. A fact or truth unquestionably established.
CYTASTERSCYTASTER n. a structure formed in a cell.
CYTOTAXESCYTOTAXIS n. movement of cells due to external stimulus.
ECTHYMATAecthymata n. Plural of ecthyma.
ECTHYMA n. (Greek) a skin disease with large round pustules.
FRATCHETYfratchety adj. (UK, dialect) argumentative.
FRATCHETY adj. quarrelsome, also FRATCHING, FRATCHY.
INTESTACYintestacy n. (Law) The state of being intestate, or of dying without having made a valid will.
INTESTACY n. the condition or fact of dying without having made a will.
OCTASTYLEoctastyle adj. (Architecture) Having eight columns in the front row (Of a portico etc.).
octastyle n. A portico with eight columns.
OCTASTYLE adj. having eight columns at the end.
TACHYLITEtachylite n. Alternative form of tachylyte.
TACHYLITE n. a vitreous form of basalt, also TACHYLYTE.
TACHYLYTEtachylyte n. (Geology) A black, vitreous basalt of volcanic origin.
TACHYLYTE n. a vitreous form of basalt, also TACHYLITE.
TACTILELYtactilely adv. In a tactile manner; by, or relating to, the sense of touch.
TACTILE adv. pertaining to the sense of touch, also TACTUAL.
TETRARCHYtetrarchy n. (Politics) A government where power is shared by four people, especially (historical) the Herodian tetrarchy…
tetrarchy n. (Geography) The land ruled by such a government, either together or separately.
TETRARCHY n. government by four people.
TRACHYTEStrachytes n. Plural of trachyte.
TRACHYTE n. a light-coloured igneous rock.
TYCOONATEtycoonate n. The shogunate.
TYCOONATE n. the shogunate, the office or dignity of a shogun, a hereditary military governor of Japan.
TYPECASTStypecasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of typecast.
TYPECAST v. to cast continually as the same type of character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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