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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, M, P and U

CHEMPADUKCHEMPADUK n. (Malay) an evergreen moraceous tree of Malaysia.
CREAMCUPScreamcups n. Platystemon californicus, an ornamental flowering plant in the Papaveraceae family, found growing wild…
CREAMCUPS n. a California annual of the poppy family.
CREAMPUFFcreampuff n. Alternative spelling of cream puff.
cream␣puff n. A light, hollow pastry typically filled with cream or custard.
cream␣puff n. (Figuratively, informal) A weak or ineffectual person.
MUCKHEAPSmuckheaps n. Plural of muckheap.
MUCKHEAP n. a dunghill.
MUDCAPPEDmudcapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of mudcap.
MUDCAP v. to cover an explosive with mud before detonating.
PACKMULESpackmules n. Plural of packmule.
PACKMULE n. a mule used for carrying burdens.
PLUMCAKESplumcakes n. Plural of plumcake.
PLUMCAKE n. a cake with raisins in it.
PNEUMATICpneumatic adj. Of, relating to, or resembling air or other gases.
pneumatic adj. Of or relating to pneumatics.
pneumatic adj. Powered by, or filled with, compressed air.
POMACEOUSpomaceous adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a pome.
pomaceous adj. (Botany) That bears apples or pomes.
pomaceous adj. Resembling pomace.
PUMICATEDpumicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of pumicate.
PUMICATE v. to make smooth with pumice.
PUMICATESpumicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pumicate.
PUMICATE v. to make smooth with pumice.
SUPREMACYsupremacy n. The quality of being supreme.
supremacy n. Power over all others.
supremacy n. (In combination) The ideology that a specified group is superior to others or should have supreme power over them.
UNCLAMPEDunclamped adj. Not clamped.
unclamped v. Past participle of unclamp.
UNCLAMP v. to free from a clamp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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