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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2L and V

CARAVELLEcaravelle n. Alternative spelling of caravel.
Caravelle prop.n. A type of twin-engine jet that was the first medium-haul modern jet airplane.
CARAVELLE n. a small light fast ship, chiefly Spanish or Portuguese, of the 15th to the 17th cents, also CARAVEL, CARVEL.
CAVALLIEScavallies n. Plural of cavally.
CAVALLY n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLA.
CAVILLERScavillers n. Plural of caviller.
CAVILLER n. one that cavils, also CAVILER.
CEVADILLAcevadilla n. Archaic form of sabadilla.
CEVADILLA n. (Spanish) a liliaceous plant, yielding the alkaloid veratrine, also CEBADILLA, SABADILLA.
CLAVATELYCLAVATE adv. club-shaped; growing gradually thicker toward the top, also CLAVATED.
CLAVICLESclavicles n. Plural of clavicle.
CLAVICLE n. a shoulder bone.
CLAVULATEclavulate adj. Alternative form of clavate.
CLAVULATE adj. club-shaped, also CLAVATE, CLAVATED.
CLEAVABLEcleavable adj. Capable of being cleaved.
CLEAVABLE adj. capable of cleaving or being divided.
COLLATIVEcollative adj. Having the power of conferring.
collative adj. (Ecclesiastical, of a benefice) In which the ordinary (or bishop) is the same person as the patron.
COLLATIVE adj. having the power of conferring; of livings where the bishop and patron are one and the same person.
COVERALLScoveralls n. (US) A coverall.
COVERALL n. one-piece protective clothing.
CREVALLEScrevalles n. Plural of crevalle.
CREVALLE n. a silvery food and game fish of the western Atlantic.
CURVEBALLcurveball n. (Baseball) A forespin pitch thrown by rotating the index and middle fingers down and resulting in motion down "curve".
curveball n. (By extension, chiefly US) An unexpected turn of events initiated by an opponent or chance; an exception or outlier.
curveball v. (Baseball) To throw a curveball.
LATICLAVElaticlave n. (Historical) A badge of two wide purple stripes, worn by senators and certain other high-ranking people…
LATICLAVE n. (historical) a broad stripe of purple on the fore part of the tunic, worn by senators in ancient Rome as an emblem of office.
LEVITICALlevitical adj. Alternative form of Levitic (“of or pertaining to the Levites”).
levitical adj. Priestly.
LEVITICAL adj. of or like a levite or clergyman, also LEVITIC.
OVERCALLSovercalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcall.
overcalls n. Plural of overcall.
OVERCALL v. in bridge, to outbid.
VACILLATEvacillate v. (Intransitive) To sway unsteadily from one side to the other; oscillate.
vacillate v. (Intransitive) To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.
VACILLATE v. to fluctuate in opinion or resolution.
VALLECULAvallecula n. (Anatomy, botany) A depression, channel or groove.
VALLECULA n. (Latin) a groove or furrow.
VARICELLAvaricella n. (Pathology) chickenpox.
varicella n. (Loosely) Any of various other eruptive diseases, such as swinepox, hives, and varioloid.
VARICELLA n. (Latin) chickenpox.
VELLICATEvellicate v. (Transitive) To touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness…
vellicate v. (Intransitive) To twitch or move convulsively.
vellicate v. (Transitive, formal) To tickle, provoking twitching and laughter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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